
yeti [ˈjeti]  [ˈjɛti] 

yeti 基本解释



yeti 网络解释


1. 雪怪:竞技进行到了第五波,之前遇到的大雪怪(Yeti)出现在中央,玩家只要引诱它朝着门口站着二位卫兵的大门丢炸弹,便能把大门炸开来到二楼. 接下来只要命令小鬼从观众席的缝隙攻击柱子,就可以把国王的观赏席弄塌就能触发剧情动画.

2. 耶蒂:它讲的是萨米和史酷比无意中被人带到了中国的西藏,他们被卷入了一场阴谋,同寻找最酷的游戏角色名字香格里拉的人,同一心想抓住雪人耶蒂(Yeti)的人打交道.

yeti 双语例句

1. You think l don't know what a yeti is?

2. The day on which I met yeti was the greatest of my life.


3. Can you show me where the yeti lives?

4. The case with the Yeti, I don`t know

5. I have to say kudos to Yeti for his contribution.
    对 Yeti 的贡献,我必须致谢。

6. When I saw Yeti on Himalayas, I was so surprised I stopped dead.

7. We thought you were like a yeti or something.

8. Once we find out if we can adjust skeletons, monster groups will spawn such as Yeti's in the north and river creatures on/near rivers.


9. This design achieved according to three kinds of exact proportion of liquid mixture, stir the motor will mix the Yeti the output from the Rong Qi, and form Xunhuan state, even after the press stop button to Wancheng the end of the second mixed Caineng the Mudi.

10. They agitate a family of hibernating yeti, and then take turns jumping on their backs to see who can ride the longest.


11. If yowl have a car, yeti are I:independent of trains and bliss.

12. The yowl of the Yeti echoes from the newly completed Mount Everest.


13. The original of the now famous Yeti Sports flash game series, Pingu Throw is a classic in it's own right.


14. Zhu was back at the wheel the next day as we drove from the Three Gorges area to Hongping, a town deep in Hubei Province and the jumping-off point for visits to Shennongjia, the forest reserve where everyone hoped to see a yeti.

15. I started to believe he was just a myth, a modern Yeti, a figment of some very disturbed people imaginations.

16. The Yeti Roast Duck Office has decided to have a clampdown on building new chain stores.


17. You might run into a Yeti in the Himalayas

18. At the same time, we dedicated serious study to dream interpretation, the Yeti's footprints, and the practice of hypnotizing chickens (by swinging them around, no less).

19. Ln the pictures of aliens, ufo, the yeti, hellboy.

20. Biologists with California's Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, which organized the expedition, hope to return to search for more yeti crabs farther south, in the waters off Antarctica.

yeti 单语例句

1. yeti

1. The Yeti works on PCs and Macs and requires no software drivers, although there is a free recording program for it in the iTunes store.

2. Introduction of the Yeti will further improve the Skoda product line in China.


3. Yeti in the Himalayas and Sasquatch on the US west coast are both members of this " wild men " family.

4. yeti的意思

4. Scientists are examining an unidentified creature dubbed the " oriental yeti " after it emerged from the ancient woodlands in Southwest China's Sichuan province.

5. yeti

5. The Yeti is an excellent SUV and we are confident that Chinese customers will like the model.

yeti 英英释义


1. a large hairy humanoid creature said to live in the Himalayas

    Synonym: abominable snowman