1. 酸乳酪:Mutton Korma 是将放入酸乳酪(Yoghurt)的肉用调料或蔬菜煮熟的料理,Do Piazza是用很多洋葱做的肉类料理,Mutton Masala是用乳汁做的别喱料理,Keema是用机器切成肉片做的咖喱.
2. 優格:新加坡政府2004年进行的全国营养调查显示,有47%的新加坡人每周至少喝两次汽水、果汁、优格(Yoghurt)等含糖分的饮料,年龄介於18到29岁者,喝含糖饮料的次数更多,每周至少4次.
1. -> see yogurt
1. If you cannot find buttermilk, marinate the chicken pieces in diluted yoghurt.
2. You can also make green mango raita by grating green mango into the yoghurt, or try a carrot and cucumber raita.
3. China has recently experienced huge growth in the dairy industry and milk, yoghurt and even cheese are now familiar on the shop shelf.
4. The girl's sister and cousin greeted her the traditional way with yoghurt and buttered tea, not knowing if she could drink liquor.
5. yoghurt
5. You can eat the jam on buttered toast, or stir a spoonful into natural yoghurt.
6. Mix the cucumber into the chilled yoghurt, season with salt and lemon juice and chill until ready to eat.
7. Edible gelatin is widely used in the making of medicine capsules and foodstuffs such as jelly and yoghurt.
8. yoghurt
8. One can choose the fruit one wants to mix with yoghurt and choose from amongst different nuts to go into the mixture.
9. " Sho " means the Yoghurt and " ton " means banquet in the Tibetan language.
10. yoghurt的翻译
10. The statement came after the French yoghurt maker sent a notification to Zong in April, threatening litigation procedures within 30 days.