
yokel [ˈjəʊkl]  [ˈjoʊkl] 



yokel 基本解释


yokel 网络解释


1. 庄稼汉:yokefellow 同事 | yokel 庄稼汉 | yokelines 操舵索

2. 乡巴佬:557. yeoman: 自耕农,乡下人. | 558. yokel: 乡巴佬. | 559. zealot: 狂热分子,热心者.

3. 头脑简单的乡下人:boor 粗野的人 | yokel 头脑简单的乡下人 | vagrant 流浪者,无业游民

yokel 双语例句

1. They are listening to the local yokel yodel.


2. His mouth was agape in yokel fashion.

3. Hey, who you all calling a yokel?


4. But George Bailey is not a common, ordinary yokel.

5. Eight was a common, ordinary yokel, I` d say he was doing fine.

6. Local yokel:Yes, sir.


7. His mouth was Agape in yokel fashion.

8. Listen to the local yokel yodel!

9. Listen, you yokel, I've had it with you.

10. Local yokel: Nothing & I was born here.

11. Stupid and ignorant like proverbial rural inhabitants; 'the boy's empty yokel-like expression.


12. A face having a blank, fixed, or enigmatic expression. stupid and ignorant like proverbial rural inhabitants; 'the boy's empty yokel-like expression.

13. Stupid and ignorant like proverbial rural inhabitants;'the boy's empty yokel-like expression.


14. A face having a blank, fixed, or enigmatic expression. stupid and ignorant like proverbial rural inhabitants;'the boy's empty yokel-like expression.

yokel 词典解释

1. yokel什么意思

1. 乡巴佬;乡下人
    If you refer to someone as a yokel, you think they are uneducated and stupid because they come from the countryside.

yokel 英英释义


1. a person who is not very intelligent or interested in culture

    Synonym: rube hick yahoo hayseed bumpkin chawbacon