
zooming ['zu:mɪŋ]  ['zu:mɪŋ] 






zooming 基本解释


动词(飞机、汽车等)急速移动( zoom的过去分词 ); (价格、费用等)急升,猛涨

zooming 网络解释

1. 缩放:01 摇拍(Panning)摄影手法02 缩放(Zooming)摄影手法利用光圈值和快门速度可以控制相机的进光量. 光圈(Diaphragm)通过调整口径大小控制进光量,快门则利用其开启和封闭速度及时间来控制进光量光圈值和快门速度共同决定了进光量.

2. 变焦:物理:焦距、成像原理 变焦(zooming) 定焦 对焦 微距模式人像模式:用来拍摄人物相片,如证件照. 数码相机会把光圈调到最大,做出浅景深的效果. 而有些相机还会使用能够表现更强肤色效果的色调、对比度或柔化效果进行拍摄,以突出人像主体.

3. 放:为了使使用状态窗口(Status Window)缩放(Zooming)1. 如果状态窗口(Status Window)当前没有打开或者看不到,选择窗口/状态2. 在状态窗口(Status Window)内,你可以看到一个绿色的区域,它代表了当前的视图区域.

4. 缩放 缩放:为了使用状态窗口(Status W indow)进行缩放(Zooming)和取景(Panning),执行下列过使用状态窗口使用状态窗口使用状态窗口使用状态窗口(Status Window)缩放缩放缩放缩放(Zooming)1.

zooming 单语例句

1. It's hard to resist zooming in on results only, while stumbling blocks and societal collateral damage are often overlooked in the pursuit of profit.

2. Zooming tight on the doorman's uniform, they made out the logo of the Radisson Hotel.

3. The promo features two kids who jump from a zooming red airplane and sing as they parachute through the clouds.

4. Television footage carried by China Central Television showed a camera lens zooming in on Hu's hands holding that of a female HIV carrier.

5. The novelist uses characterizations and settings to foreshadow the crime, before zooming in on it.

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6. He clicks on it and pushes the content boxes around the screen, zooming in and out.

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7. China describes the train as a mammoth steel dragon zooming into Tibet a train touching the sky.

8. I was zooming in on those discrepancies the audience may have with the work.

9. This is a country where everything is zooming ahead at fantastic speed.

10. But they had a good reason to be zooming down the street.