



词典give lenient treatment原宥。

词典be magnanimously treated原宥。

原宥 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 此后,我听说他过得活色生香热闹非凡的,我也只说,和我不是一路人,也就冷眼过去了。08年的一天,我莫名其妙地开始写space,又因为一个模棱两可的缩写所引发的具有争议的留言,我与他联系,明白了所有的事情原宥,是两个都成长了的人,释清误会,及至他说他从05年底到08年初,一直过着的混乱生活,我也沉默地理解了。
    Tonight, everything was fine until I laid my head on LCY's lap and chatted with her, I missed such feeling of being a baby to someone and I started to thing about every possibilities for me and HIM to go for a trip together, which would surely be great according to my perfect imagination......

2. 这几天打扰您了,请原宥我给您带来的不便。
    Please excuse me for all the incovenience that I have caused you.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 他将偿还我的债,使我的挥霍光阴得到原宥
    Shall sum my count, and make my old excuse,

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. 请你们原宥我吧,但是,女人有什么用场,你们却丝毫不明了哩。
    You must excuse me, but you really have no sense about women.

5. 原宥的翻译

5. 我怎么要去道歉呢,就像个儿童那样请求原宥么?
    How can I apologise, like a little boy begging pardon!

6. 是无尽的原宥,是惯常的和气眼光眼神。
    Love is an act of endless forgiveness a tender look which becomes a habit.

7. 谁堪宽恕从来原宥根本非有?
    Who can forgive forgiveness when forgiveness is not?

8. 原宥

8. 如此,我不会请求原宥,无论是对母亲,还是对其它。
    Thus I will not ask forgiveness, neither for mother nor other else.

9. 基督教所提倡的谦逊美德,把另一半脸让人打,的宽恕隐忍精神,对罪孽的原宥,都必须被抵制,如果你想做得好而不仅仅是表面上显得好。
    The Christian virtue of humility, turning the other cheek, forgiveness of sins, must be rejected if you want to do good as opposed to just being good.