


词典Hubble law哈勃定律。

哈勃定律 网络解释

1. 哈勃定律

1. Hubblelaw:现今有关宇宙红移(即遥远星系光谱产生向频率低端的移动)服从哈勃定律(HubbleLaw)被广泛认为是由宇宙的膨胀-基于遥远星系退行速度的多普勒效应(DopplerEffect)所产生的.然而如果存在非多普勒效应引起的宇宙红移,

2. Hubble's law:according 根据 | Hubble's law哈勃定律 ten | percent百分之十

哈勃定律 双语例句

1. 用逻辑分析出天文学中的哈勃定律意味着宇宙间存在万有斥力,它与牛顿的万有引力定律相互矛盾。
    Hubble law in astronomy means there is gravitational repulsion in the universe, and it is in contradiction with Newton's law of universal gravitation.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 我们和室女座之间质量趋于减慢我们银河后退,如预期的依照大约百分之十的哈勃定律那样。
    The mass between us and Virgo tends to decelerate the recession of our galaxy, as expected according to Hubble's law by about ten percent.

3. 系统介绍20世纪天文学研究取得的伟大成就,包括爱因斯坦的相对论,以及哈勃定律、大爆炸宇宙学模型等。
    The great achievements and discoveries of astrophysics in the past 20 century are reviewed, including Einstein's relativity theory, Hubble's law, and Big Bang model, etc.

4. 哈勃定律的翻译

4. 以哈勃定律为前提,一些天体物理学的观测事实为依据,描述了我们这部分约200亿光年的宇宙的过去及未来,简要介绍了大爆炸宇宙理论。
    Regard Hubble's law as the prerequisite, the observation fact of some astrophysics, in order to accord with, have described the part the past and future of about 20 billion light-years of universe of us, have introduced the universe theory of the large explosion briefly.

5. 这些调查的结果是,现在被称为哈勃定律
    The results of these investigations is now known as Hubble's Law.

6. 这个就是哈勃定律,并帮助建立,已知的宇宙正在膨胀。
    This became known as Hubble's law, and would help establish that the known universe is expanding.

7. 哈勃定律的解释

7. 这是哈勃继1929年发现哈勃定律后,于1931年进一步得到的。
    This is Hubble's discovery in 1929, following Hubble's law, after 1931, and further to get.

8. 哈勃定律的反义词

8. 这种速度与距离间的关系就是哈勃退行定律,简称哈勃定律
    This relationship between speed and distance is known as the Hubble law of recession, or Hubble's law.

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9. 在适应于哈勃定律的宇宙模型中,可观测宇宙的最大距离叫哈勃距离。
    In the adapted model of the Hubble law of the universe, the observable universe, the maximum distance is called Hubble distance.

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10. 哈勃定律取决于移的光波波长,并经被划定在1929年已后来证明这一遍又一遍。
    Hubble's Law depends upon the shifting of the wavelength of light and after having been delineated in 1929 has been subsequently proven over and over again.