

奴颜媚骨[nú yán mèi gǔ]


词典sycophancy or obsequiousness奴颜媚骨。


词典bowing and scraping奴颜媚骨。

奴颜媚骨 汉英大词典

奴颜媚骨[nú yán mèi gǔ]


sycophancy or obsequiousness; bowing and scraping

奴颜媚骨 双语例句

1. 奴颜媚骨的反义词

1. 她所有的,只是殖民地奴才的一副奴颜媚骨
    The sycophancy of a colonial slave is all she has.

2. 我出名时既没有出卖过朋友,也没有奴颜媚骨地讨好过别人。
    I didn`t sell out or Uncle Tom when I became famous.

3. 奴颜媚骨

3. 就因为我提议减税,他说我是奴颜媚骨,讨好中产阶级选民。
    He called me a pander bear for proposing the tax cuts.

4. 奴颜媚骨是什么意思

4. 奴颜媚骨者向来就有,今后也永远会有。
    There has ever been and ever will be found sycophancy on the side of power.

5. 帝国主义在我国统治和压迫的整整90年中,我国人民从未对这种统治和压迫表现出奴颜媚骨和卑躬屈膝。
    Throughout the 90 years of imperialist domination and oppression in our country, our people never assumed the posture of slavish and cringing submission to this domination and oppression

6. 靠职务得到收入,虽然也能迅速增加财富,但如果是靠阿谀奉承或其他奴颜媚骨的手段获得的,那么这种财富也可以放在最坏的一类。
    Riches gotten by service, though it be of the best rise, yet when they are gotten by flattery, feeding humours and other servile conditions, they may be placed amongst the worst.

7. 奴颜媚骨

7. 颜真卿和赵孟頫都是书法家,苍劲质朴的颜字,使我们看到书写者的忠烈坚贞;柔美圆滑的赵字虽然漂亮,但也使我们看到书写者的奴颜媚骨
    Yan Zhenqing and Zhao Mengfu were both great calligraphers of ancient China. The straightforward honesty of Yan and the clever adaptability of Zhao so obvious in their calligraphy well reflected their personalities.

8. 我出名时既没有出卖过朋友,也没有奴颜媚骨地讨好过别人。
    I didn't sell out or Uncle Tom when I became famous.