

得胜[dé shèng]

词典win a victory得胜。

词典bear away the bell得胜。

词典bring home the bacon成功,谋生;管用。

词典come through with flying colours大获胜利,大告成功。


词典bear the bell得胜。

得胜 汉英大词典

得胜[dé shèng]


win a victory; bear away the bell; bring home the bacon; come through with flying colours; triumph:


    come back victorious; return in triumph; return with flying colours;

    在一次朗读比赛中, 他的女儿得胜了。

    In a reading contest, his daughter carried away the bell.

得胜 网络解释

1. 得胜

1. win won won:understand understood understood 明白 | win won won 得胜 | catch caught caught 抓住

2. triumph n:trip n. 短程旅行 | triumph n. 胜利,成功;vi. 获胜,得胜,成功 | trivial a. 不重要的,无关紧要的,平凡的,普通的

3. 得胜什么意思

3. carry the day:carry the can 代人受过 | carry the day 得胜 | carry the house 博得满堂喝采

4. carry away the bell:carry an election 竞选获胜 | carry away the bell 得胜 | carry away 运走