

投机倒把[tóu jī dǎo bǎ]

词典play the market投机倒把;买卖证券[股票]牟利。

词典capitalize on充分利用某事物;从某事物中获利;投机倒把;自恃。


词典engage in all sorts of illicit trading投机倒把。

词典engage in speculation投机倒把;投机买卖;从事投机,做投机生意。

投机倒把 汉英大词典

投机倒把[tóu jī dǎo bǎ]

play the market; capitalize on; engage in all sorts of illicit trading; engage in speculation; engage in speculation and profiteering; engage in speculative activities; make money illicitly through speculation; speculate; speculative transactions