


词典flap扁平物;[航] 襟翼;拍打,拍打声;〈口〉不安,恐慌。




撩动 双语例句

1. 撩动在线翻译

1. 你的身影荡漾在微柳下,眼若秋波,白纱撩动,静若伊人,在湖一畔。
    Waves in the shadow of your micro-Liu, the eye if Qiubo, white static if the Iraqi people, the banks of a lake.

2. 亲爱的,再见了------我们相识于网上一个美丽的误会------如果不曾空虚过,你就不会扣开我的心门;如果不曾颓废过,你就不会进入我的心扉;如果不曾幻想过,你就不会撩动我的心声。
    We know each other by beautiful misunderstanding on net--------If never been hollow. you wouldn't open my heart door. If never been decadent. you would not enter my heart. If never been fantasy. you would not touch my heartleft.

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3. 我知道这很疯狂,但你仍能撩动我的心弦。
    I know its crazy but you still can touch my heart.

4. 但你总能撩动我的心。经过这一切,你认为我不会有相同的感觉,但时间融化无踪,一切都没有改变。
    I know it is crazy. but you still can touch my heart and after all this time.

5. 假如不曾幻想过,你就不会撩动我的心声。
    If not happen ago be fantasy, you will not touch my listentfelt

6. 撩动

6. 是谁在撩动我内心的琴弦
    Who Assembly Sparks chord in my heart.

7. 撩动

7. 假如不曾幻想过,你就不会撩动我的心声。
    If not happen before be fantasy, you will not touch my listentfelt

8. 如果不曾幻想过,你就不会撩动我的心声。
    If never been fantasy, you would not touch my heartfelt

9. 原来,夏季想要撩动食物的味蕾也是这么的简单。
    Be sure to add this summer delight to your household recipes.

10. 即使我是一株小草,不能洒下清爽的绿荫,我也会摇曳娇小的身躯,随风而舞,撩动行人清爽的心绪;即使我是一片落叶,不能装点秋的美丽,我也会融入泥土,去催发新芽;即使我是一泓不起眼的清泉,我也会去奋力而行,为远行的人儿奉献一点甘甜:我会为痛苦者送上清凉的慰藉,我会为成功者捧出芳香的绿茶。
    Even though I was a little blade of grass can not shed refreshing shade, I would sway the petite body, the wind and dance, flipping pedestrian fresh frame of mind; even if I were a leaf can not decorate the beauty of autumn, I would into the soil, to muster new shoots; even if I were Yihong inconspicuous springs, I will go to struggling and line, a few dedicated people for a long journey a little sweeter: I will for the suffering of those who brought the cool comfort, I will for the successful Peng Chu, aromatic green tea.

11. 撩动的近义词

11. 正如一部优秀的系列电影所应该做到的,《护戒使者》在结束时似乎故事刚刚开始,它撩动着观众的心,让我们焦急地等着三部曲的下一集问世。
      And as a good serial film should, The Fellowship of the Ring tantalizes viewers by ending just as the main story is about to begin, leaving us impatient for the next installment of the trilogy.

12. 有一种美在无声之间,幽幽撩动你的心田,将时尚和优雅归结于玻璃的清澈与金属的明亮之间,成为恒久之美不可或缺的一部分。
      A beauty, in silence but touch your heart faintly, vogue and elegance between limpidness of glass and brightness of metal, finally become an indispensable part of unvarying beauty.

13. 撩动的反义词

13. 我不知道是哪根神经的传导,使这位双目失明的演员知道我在偷偷撩动翼幕。
      I didn't know which of his nerves told this blind actor that I was stealthily moving the side curtains.

14. 撩动什么意思

14. 这首歌真是撩动我的心弦啊。
      This song is really tugging my heartstrings.

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15. 当一个人能了解别人的感受时,他就可以撩动他们的心弦,促使他们做出违背自身最大利益的行为。
      When someone knows what others are feeling, they can tug at their heartstrings and motivate them to act against their own best interests.

16. 撩动的意思

16. 她曾是霹雳舞者,也是挪威艺术圈的旗手:她参加了2011年的威尼斯双年展ILLUMInation,而这个展览撩动了奥斯陆每个艺术生的心弦。
      A former break-dancer, she is one of the flag-bearers of Norway's artistic ascendance: Her inclusion in the'ILLUMInations'exhibition at the 2011 Venice Biennale was a rallying cry for every art student in Oslo.

17. 我真愿化作一缕清风,悄悄来到你的身边,把你的柔发轻轻撩动
      I really wish to turn into breeze, quietly come to you, your soft hair gently eventually lead to.

18. 春天特别容易撩动人的心玄,仿佛,我会突然萌发好多好多奇怪的念头,但实施起来就没想的那么简单了。。。
      Sring is a special season, it is easy to flap one's heart, some strange ideas coming across my mind, but it is difficult to come true in fact...

19. 第五、在美国,一位女士要是随随便便地在男士面前脱下自己的鞋子,或者撩动自己裙子的下摆,往往会令人产生成心引诱对方之嫌。
      Fifth, in the United States, if a woman in casual men take off their shoes before, or dress撩动their lap, often deliberately to lure would give rise to suspicion of each other.

20. 春天特别容易撩动人的心玄,仿佛,我会突然萌发好多好多奇怪的念头,但实施起来就没想的那么简单了
      Sring is a special season, it is easy to flap one's heart, some strange ideas coming across my mind, but it is difficult to come true in fact