

浩如烟海[hào rú yān hǎi]



词典as vast as the smoke and sea -- multitude浩如烟海。

词典as vast as the open sea浩如烟海。

词典as vast as a misty ocean浩如烟海。

词典tremendous amount of...浩如烟海。

浩如烟海 汉英大词典

浩如烟海[hào rú yān hǎi]

as vast as the smoke and sea -- multitude; as vast as the open sea; as vast as a misty ocean; tremendous amount of...

浩如烟海 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. numerous,a multitude of ,a tremendous amount of:名胜古迹places of historic interests and scenic beauty | 浩如烟海numerous,a multitude of ,a tremendous amount of | 多姿多彩diverse and beautiful,varied and graceful