
vast [vɑ:st]  [væst] 




vast 基本解释

形容词广阔的; 巨大的; 大量的; 巨额的

名词浩瀚; 广大无边的空间

vast 同义词


形容词enormous monumental large mammoth stupendous immense great gigantic huge

vast 反义词


vast 相关例句


1. The city is vast compared to our village.

2. That will make a vast difference.

3. It is a vast desert.

4. A billion dollars is a vast amount of money.

vast 网络解释


1. 大量的:无论如何,人际关系领域虽然有大量的(vast)学术文件(1iterarydocumentation),但是做的科学分析(treatment)却很少(meager),这同物理学领域很不一样,在物理学领域,很少有非科学(nonscientific)的文献.

2. 浩瀚:很难想象这就是天空,因为浩瀚(vast)而复杂,因为局部而简单,因为晴朗而不可信,因为单纯而疑问,但这是真实的天空;很难想象一线划分了东西南北,天空如此均匀(equal)的直线不可思议,时间、速度、滞留、凝结,一切都可以复杂化,

3. 巨大的:38.slope斜面 | 39.vast巨大的 | 40.worthless无用的

4. 仅指在空间的扩展,没有重量的含义:greatly ad. 极大地;非常 | Vast 仅指在空间的扩展,没有重量的含义. | grand a. 宏伟的,壮观的;显赫的

5. vast:video-assisted thoracoscopy; 电视胸腔镜

6. vast:vlan advanced switch test; 虚拟局域网高级开关测试

7. vast:the vietnamese academy of science and technology; 越南科学院

vast 词典解释

1. 巨大的;广大的;广阔的
    Something that is vast is extremely large.

    e.g. ...Afrikaner farmers who own vast stretches of land...
    e.g. The vast majority of the eggs would be cracked.

...the vastness of the desert.
vast 单语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. As you walk in the store and head down the stairs, a vast space comes into sight catching visitors by surprise.

2. But a local guide is a must to avoid getting lost in this vast land, and plenty of food and camping equipment is also essential.

3. It is a country with a character to match its vast landscape, and it can take many views to see the full picture.


4. The region is a major growing region for bananas and sugar cane, and vast tracts of the crops were flattened.

5. On a vast red wall of " Cantilever House " rest nearly one hundred butterflies.

6. vast的近义词

6. The Xiangshan peninsula has been dubbed " China's vast fish pond " for its plentiful fish resources, and its people have a history of conservation activism.

7. vast是什么意思

7. Their vast land area and diversity compel the two countries to develop their census mechanisms in manners that can capture all aspects of demographic changes.

8. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

8. It was the fourth car bombing this month in Kirkuk, the center of Iraq's vast northern oil fields.

9. Indonesia straddles a series of fault lines that make the vast island nation prone to volcanic and seismic activity.

10. Foreign banks have increased their preparedness to enter China's vast banking card market since the country joined the World Trade Organization in December 2001.