照拂[zhào fú]
[书] look after; care for; attend to:
Please be so kind as to take good care of him.
1. The manager of affairs in a monastery:愛染 The taint of desire. | 照拂 The manager of affairs in a monastery. | 照牌 A notice board, especially allotting seats.
2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词
2. bdrw:隔靴搔痒bdrp | 照拂bdrw | 防备bdsd
1. 照拂的反义词
1. 这是我的第二个儿子,请您垂爱照拂。
This is my second, I beg you to love him and welcome him, as they say.
2. 虽然这些军队缺少衣服,疲惫不堪,掉队、伤亡和患病的人员占三分之一,削弱了兵力;虽然一些伤病员持有库图佐夫的手谕留在多瑙河对岸(手谕中暗示:听任敌人赐予他们仁慈的照拂);虽然克雷姆斯的大病院和住房都已变成军医院,但是仍然容纳不了全部伤病员,尽管如此,在克雷姆斯驻留和对莫蒂埃的胜利在颇大程度上提高了部队的士气。
Although the troops were without clothing and exhausted, and had lost a third of their strength in wounded, killed, and missing; although they had left their sick and wounded behind on the other side of the Danube, with a letter from Kutuzov commending them to the humanity of the enemy; although the great hospitals and houses in Krems could not contain all the sick and wounded, ―in spite of all that, the halt before Krems and the victory over Mortier had greatly raised the spirits of the troops.
3. 照拂
3. 这座圣殿献给冥冥中照拂万民的诸神。
The Temple of the Sun is the greatest of the Mesoamerican pyramid structures.
4. 她用笼统的口气谢了他的照拂,作为结束。
She concluded by thanking him for his kindness in a crude way.
5. 在上帝的照拂下,在互相帮助下,恐怖事件遇害者的家属展现出一种能承受住一切打击的力量。
And with the help of God's grace, and with support from one another, the families of terror victims have shown a strength that survives all hurt.
6. 春天的玫瑰发芽,不是受了太阳的照拂,怎能显露出娇艳的色泽?
Rose sprouses in spring. Without sunshine, who can it have charming and delicate splendor?
7. 召唤照拂时:大概是我低估了你们的气力。
Summoning advisors: Perhaps I underestimated you.
8. 面对我们遇到的一切,愿上帝赋予我们智慧,愿上帝照拂美利坚合众国。
In all that lies before us, may God grant us wisdom, and may He watch over the United States of America.
9. 我的花儿像乳汁一样洁白,蜂蜜一样香甜,美酒一样芳酵;我用金色的丝带将花儿扎成一束,但是它们逃避我小心的照拂,飞散了,只有丝带留着。
MY flowers were like milk and honey and wine; I bound them into a posy with a golden ribbon, but they escaped my watchful care and fled away, and only the ribbon remains.
10. 照拂的近义词
10. 请惠予照拂。
Please be so kind as to take good care of him.
11. 爱德华永远不会得到他母亲的照拂了。
Edward is dismissed forever from his mother's notice.