甜滋滋[tián zī zī]
(有甜味) pleasantly sweet
1. 甜滋滋是什么意思
1. 他的房里,一个甜滋滋的声音读着一串什么生铁产量的数字。
Purification of impure metal, especially pig iron, by heating and stirring in an oxidizing atmosphere.
2. 我有1双有神的大眼睛,想你望去,有一股甜滋滋的味道,我爱扎一个后辫子,跑起路来就像一匹马尾巴一样惕励塔拉,看起来,我真像一头小马驹!
I have 1 double in God's eyes, thought you looked, there was a sweet Zizi of taste, I love rolling a post-braids, running from Road to like a horse tail Ti-Li-Tara, it seems, I am It was like a little pony!
3. 甜滋滋
3. 我听了老师的话,心里甜滋滋的。
I listened to the teacher, heart sweetness of.
4. 但是一看到自己的劳动成果,心里就会甜滋滋的。
But the sight of their own labor, feeling a bit of sweetness to.
5. 甜滋滋的反义词
5. 每当我们帮助过别人后,心里是甜滋滋的,这就是一种愉快的心情。
Whenever after we have helped others, is at heart very sweet, this is one happy mood.
6. 我心里甜滋滋的,向吃了蜜饯一样。
I was sweet and like to eat sweets.
7. 甜滋滋的近义词
7. 我回家时天已很晚,又累又饿,但心里却甜滋滋的。
It was very late when I got home. I was very tired and hungry.
8. 甜滋滋的近义词
8. 听你谈起你的年轻人真叫人感到甜滋滋的。
I think it's too sweet to hear you talk of your young man.
9. 我看了后十分高兴,心里甜滋滋的,好像吃了蜜糖似的。
I was very happy to read my heart sweet Zizi, as if to eat honey-like.
10. 甜滋滋
10. 加布里埃尔的鼻子嗅到了一股新麦芽的甜滋滋的气息。
Gabriel's nose was greeted by an atmosphere laden with the sweet smell of new malt.
11. 许多苹果都成熟了,甜滋滋的,味道好极了。
Many an apple was ripe and sweet, and tastes delicious.
12. 911查询·英语单词
12. 他的房里,一个甜滋滋的声音读着一串什么生铁产量的数字。
Inside the flat a fruity voice was reading out a list of figures which had something to do with the production of pig-iron.
13. 甜滋滋的翻译
13. 读书也是甜的,读了好书,在别人面前展示自己的风采时,得到大家的赞扬,心里总是甜滋滋的。
Reading is also a sweet, read good books, in front of others to show their style, and received praise from everyone, and my heart is always sweet Zizi's.
14. 手上沾满了甜滋滋的蜂蜜、每天在花丛中穿梭,对他来说,爱上这份工作还干上二十年并不很难理解。
With a bottomless supply of sugary honey at his fingertips and his days spent outdoors surrounded by flowers, he says it's easy to see why bee farming has been his big love for two decades.
15. 甜滋滋的翻译
15. 珂赛特虽有她的心事,她那甜滋滋的忧虑,脑子里充满了马吕斯的形象,但她那无比纯洁美好的面貌,和原先一样,仍是天真烂熳,笑盈盈的。
The thoughts which Cosette cherished, her tender preoccupations, Marius'image which filled her heart, took away nothing from the incomparable purity of her beautiful, chaste, and smiling brow.