

裙钗[qún chāi]


裙钗 汉英大词典

裙钗[qún chāi]

[旧] woman

裙钗 双语例句

1. 在旅行中,我们发现裙钗在公社中的影响不如她们在城市中的影响那样广泛。
    In our travels, we didn`t find the power of women as pervasive in the communes as in the cities.

2. 她虽然只是个裙钗,却也有着远大志向。
    Although she is a woman, she has lofty aspirations.

3. 裙钗的反义词

3. 第三个裙钗说:我的儿子是一红衣主教。
    The third woman says, My son is acardinal.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. 塞思露指出:其余的被检出患DCIS的病例都出现在已知有较高的患乳腺癌风险的裙钗中。
    The rest, Saslow points out, occurred in women with a known elevated breast cancer risk.

5. 裙钗的意思

5. 尽管裙钗的职位地方有了很年夜程度的提高,但她们的彻底解放依然任重道远。
    Although women`s status has changed considerately, their complete liberation if far from being realized.

6. 裙钗的意思

6. 在1999年,伊朗三分之一的内科医师是裙钗
    In1999, one in three Iranian physicians was a woman.

7. 裙钗

7. 上个月他见过那裙钗频频。
    He met the woman some times last month.