踅摸[xué mo]
[口] look for; seek
1. 踅摸
1. 我的老电脑太慢了,我现正踅摸着买个新的。
I am in the market for a new computer as my old one is too slow.
2. 踅摸的解释
2. 我的一些喜爱物品就是踅摸来的。
Some of my favorite objects are found objects.
3. 在哪踅摸来的?
It is so kind of you.
4. 不行,我一定不能问这是哪个国家,我四处踅摸踅摸,肯定有地方写著呢。
No, it'll never do to ask: perhaps I shall see it written up somewhere.
5. 你在踅摸啥呢?
What are you charpering for?
6. 踅摸什么意思
6. 很长一段时间了我都在踅摸着找机会再换个好点的工作,现在终于弄到一个了:在一家零售业公司做供应链协理员。
For a long time, I have been seeking every opportunity to look for another one better and now, I finally got one: a Supply Chain Coordinator in retail company.
7. 我脱下手套,单腿跪地开始接线,同时也踅摸德国人在干嘛。
I stripped off my gloves, dropped down to one knee and went to work while watching out for Germans at the same time.
8. 回来后,我踅摸了一圈,找到了一个开店的好地方。
On my return, I scouted round to find a good location to set up my shop.