
seek [si:k]  [sik] 





seek 基本解释

及物动词寻找,探寻; 追求,谋求; 往或朝…而去; [废语]考察

不及物动词查找,查寻; 找一找

seek 同义词


动词search hunt quest explore pursue look for

seek 反义词



seek 相关例句



1. Something suspicious was found after the room was sought through.

2. I have never sought to hide my views.

3. We sought an answer to the question, but couldn't find one.

4. They were seeking employment.

5. Water seeks its own level.

seek 网络解释


1. 搜索:支持电台单步加减、搜索(SEEK)、自动搜索存台(AST)支持电台试听(SCAN)、预置台试听(PSCAN)支持重低音(SUBWF)独立音量控制与输出( TDA7313 不支持SUBWF音量控制)

2. 查找:若R和S的关系分别图示如下:盘旋转一圈时间为320MS,磁头从中心能过32磁道到达连边缘数时间为32MS,读一块数据时间为2MS,则该盘的平均等(Latency)时间最接近于 __B__MS,平均查找(Seek)时间最接近于__C__MS.

seek 词典解释

1. seek的反义词

1. 寻找;物色
    If you seek something such as a job or a place to live, you try to find one.

    e.g. They have had to seek work as labourers...
    e.g. Four people who sought refuge in the Italian embassy have left voluntarily...
           4 名在意大利大使馆寻求避难的人已经自愿离开了。


2. 谋求;谋取;寻求
    When someone seeks something, they try to obtain it.

    e.g. The prosecutors have warned they will seek the death penalty...
    e.g. Haemophiliacs are seeking compensation for being given contaminated blood.

3. 请求(帮助);征求(意见)
    If you seek someone's help or advice, you contact them in order to ask for it.

    e.g. Always seek professional legal advice before entering into any agreement...
    e.g. On important issues, they seek a second opinion...

4. 力图;想方设法
    If you seek to do something, you try to do it.

    e.g. He also denied that he would seek to annex the country...
    e.g. Moscow is seeking to slow the growth of Russian inflation.

相关词组:seek out

seek 单语例句

1. The demand for business software among Chinese SMEs is growing as more and more of them seek to boost their efficiency.

2. It delivers mountains of commercial letters every year to seek business from across the country.

3. seek的反义词

3. To achieve prosperity, enterprises should fashion new business models and seek new methods of development.

4. In business operations, we seek harmony in and out of our company to promote healthy and continual development.

5. He made the remarks while touring Shanghai and Beijing last week to review business operations in China and meet government officials to seek further partnerships.

6. Degree content is designed with input from employers to ensure that graduates are highly employable and many organisations actively seek out Aston Business School graduates.

7. seek的翻译

7. While smokers in Hong Kong seek their havens from the smoking ban, a businessman tried to take advantage of a gray area in the law.

8. Sales growth at Coles lags behind larger rival Woolworths Ltd, prompting last month's decision to seek a buyer because it can't meet profit forecasts.

9. seek在线翻译

9. This is because under this procedure, it is not an act of infringement to seek marketing approval.

10. seek的解释

10. They seem mild by comparison because most merely seek a ransom, and the victim survives.

seek 英英释义


1. seek的解释

1. the movement of a read/write head to a specific data track on a disk


1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. inquire for

    e.g. seek directions from a local

2. try to locate or discover, or try to establish the existence of

    e.g. The police are searching for clues
           They are searching for the missing man in the entire county

    Synonym: search look for

3. seek

3. go to or towards

    e.g. a liquid seeks its own level

4. seek什么意思

4. try to get or reach

    e.g. seek a position
           seek an education
           seek happiness

5. make an effort or attempt

    e.g. He tried to shake off his fears
           The infant had essayed a few wobbly steps
           The police attempted to stop the thief
           He sought to improve himself
           She always seeks to do good in the world

    Synonym: try attempt essay assay