
pi [paɪ]  [paɪ] 



pi 基本解释



pi 网络解释


1. 圆周率:得益于他的这种能力,或者可以说得益于他儿时阿斯伯格综合症(Asperger's Disorder)的发作与自闭症的结合(这两种病碰在一起的几率便是那谁谁谁会爱上我的几率,1/10000),使他能够连续背诵到圆周率(Pi)的第 22,514位.

2. 聚酰亚胺:PI是目前聚酰亚胺 -什么叫PI 图 什么叫PI 图 工程类的 热塑性 聚酰亚胺 (PI) (一) 聚酰亚胺 (PI)简介 (PI)是指大分子主链中含有亚胺基团的一类杂环聚合物.

3. 比例积分:因此,比例 积分(PI)控制器,可以使系统在进入稳态后无稳态误差. 微分(D)控制 在微分控制中,控制器的输出与输入误差信号的微分(即误差的变化率)成正比关系. 自动控制系统在克服误差的调节过程中可能会出现振荡甚至失稳.

4. pi:property indices; 性能指标

5. pi:pollutional index; 污染指数

6. pi:proliferative indices; 增殖指数

7. pi:pulsitility index; 搏动指数

pi 词典解释

1. 圆周率(通常用希腊字母�表示,近似值为3.142)
    Pi is a number, approximately 3.142, which is equal to the distance round a circle divided by its width. It is usually represented by the Greek letter �.

pi 单语例句

1. " We have always worked to improve the investment environment by helping reduce business operation costs, " Pi told China Daily on the sidelines of the session.

2. Pi believes censorship of online shows is not as strict as for TV or cinema and thus the Internet is a freer environment for him.

3. " The Internet can't stay clean without everyone's effort, " Pi said.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. They thought they could go on adventure like Pi in the Ang Lee movie, but they're more likely obliterated like the contestants in television reality shows.

5. Pi said the new OTC bourse would be supplementary to the current capital market in China.

6. Life of Pi is a fable about a boy and a tiger who survive a shipwreck.

7. Forty minutes later, a woman turned up with a bag of jiaozi pi in her hand.

8. According to Pi, no monosodium glutamate is used in the dishes.

9. pi的近义词

9. He said he is particularly impressed with the new CCTV headquarters, which he likened to the Greek letter pi.

10. Grossman attended Harvard and he and Zuckerberg are former fraternity brothers at Alpha Epsilon Pi.

pi 英英释义



1. pi的解释

1. the 16th letter of the Greek alphabet

2. the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle
    approximately equal to 3.14159265358979323846...