1. Last week seemed to have been spent in reckless abandonment.
2. The situation necessitated the abandonment of their boat.
1. 委付:三 代位求偿权与委付制度之比较 委付(abandonment),是指在发生保险事故,造成保险标的推定全损时,被保险人明确表示将保险标的的一切权利移转给保险人,而请求保险人赔偿全部保险金额的法律行为.
2. 废弃:在排除所有可能之干扰现象的前提下,人的废弃(abandonment)行为可以说是形塑考古遗物遗迹状态最大之文化力量,至於传统考古学所期望「藉由研究物质遗留了解过去人们之生活」之目的,实际上相当程度受到人们住居时的清扫(clean)行为以及搬迁时的打包(curate)行为所限制.
3. 废弃,报废;委付:3abacus 算盘 | 4Abandonment废弃,报废;委付 | 5abandonment value 废弃价值
1. 离弃;遗弃;抛弃
The abandonment of a place, thing, or person is the act of leaving it permanently or for a long time, especially when you should not do so.
e.g. ...memories of her father's complete abandonment of her.
2. (工作、活动等的)中途放弃,中止
The abandonment of a piece of work or activity is the act of stopping doing it before it is finished.
e.g. Constant rain forced the abandonment of the next day's competitions.
3. abandonment是什么意思
3. (想法或思路的)放弃
The abandonment of an idea or way of thinking is the act of stopping having the idea or of stopping thinking in that way.
e.g. ...the government's abandonment of the policy.
1. Maika pleaded guilty to a child abandonment charge in Manukau District Court yesterday.
2. abandonment
2. We would see the scope as phase three as being the abandonment phase, that is the point pursuing to the September 2005 agreement.
3. Christianity teaches that Jesus endured crucifixion for the sins of all people, and that he cried from the cross about God's abandonment.
4. The state Supreme Court ruling overturned a decision by a Memphis judge in 2004 that took away the Hes parental rights on grounds of abandonment.
5. When asked whether Heineman would call a special session, his spokeswoman said the focus now is on educating parents about alternatives to abandonment.
6. abandonment在线翻译
6. Hawks within Sharon's Cabinet and the dominant Likud Party are upset at the disengagement plan's abandonment of Israel's longstanding demand the Palestinians rein in militants.
7. The abandonment of the plan was partly attributed to the safety concerns of some local residents living close to the proposed route.
8. Parental rights don't end automatically but parents who change their minds about abandonment may find it difficult to regain custody.
9. abandonment
9. Lady Gaga on Wednesday launched the Born This Way Foundation to support programs dealing with youth empowerment and help people facing bullying and abandonment.
10. Abandonment of the dead body was an outdated practice related to high death rate of babies in the past.
1. withdrawing support or help despite allegiance or responsibility
e.g. his abandonment of his wife and children left them penniless
2. the voluntary surrender of property (or a right to property) without attempting to reclaim it or give it away
3. abandonment
3. the act of giving something up