
acceleration [əkˌseləˈreɪʃn]  [ækˌsɛləˈreʃən] 


acceleration 基本解释

名词加速; <物>加速度; 加速升级; (优秀学生的)跳级

acceleration 反义词


名词deceleration retardation

acceleration 网络解释


1. 加速度 加速度:加速度 加速度(Acceleration)是速度变化量与发生这一变化所用时间的比值.是描述物体速度改变快慢的物理量,通常用a表示,单位是米每二次方秒,加速度是矢量,它的方向与合外力的方向相同,其方向表示速度改变的方向,其大小表示速度改变的大小.

2. 赶工:合同处理意见认识不一致,承包商按其对变更造成影响的理解修正施工过程的计划,使得提交的进度计划中间完工日期和最终完工日期超出合同要求,进度计划中加载的资源也是按赶工(Acceleration)的意图增加的,因此,

acceleration 词典解释

1. 加快;增速
    The acceleration of a process or change is the fact that it is getting faster and faster.

    e.g. He has also called for an acceleration of political reforms.
    e.g. ...the sharp acceleration in job losses.

2. (汽车等的)加速能力,加速幅度
    Acceleration is the rate at which a car or other vehicle can increase its speed, often seen in terms of the time that it takes to reach a particular speed.

    e.g. Acceleration to 60 mph takes a mere 5.7 seconds.

3. 加速度
    Acceleration is the rate at which the speed of an object increases.

acceleration 单语例句

1. The new system also enables acceleration of the construction of new power plants.


2. In line with CPI inflation, the price deflator is showing a significant tendency of acceleration.

3. acceleration

3. The government of the Tibet Autonomous Region has formulated the Forestation Plan of the Tibet Autonomous Region and the Opinions on Acceleration of Afforestation.

4. acceleration

4. The DSG enables smoother gear changes without interruption of power, lowering fuel consumption while ensuring perfect acceleration.

5. Equipped with the TSI + DSG powertrain, the Magotan has shown remarkable advantages in both fuel consumption and acceleration.

6. acceleration的翻译

6. The acceleration of international economic expansion that results can create GDP increases and job growth in developed countries.

7. acceleration的翻译

7. A witness told Interfax news agency the engine caught fire during acceleration.

8. acceleration

8. The acceleration in fixed asset investment growth came despite the cooling measures introduced by China's central bank this year.

9. This is echoed by manufacturing investment acceleration since the fourth quarter of 2010.

10. It is gratifying to see the acceleration of the global expansion of this paper, both its printed media and websites.

acceleration 英英释义



1. the act of accelerating
    increasing the speed

    Synonym: quickening speedup

2. an increase in rate of change

    e.g. modern science caused an acceleration of cultural change


3. (physics) a rate of increase of velocity