
speedup ['spi:dʌp]  ['spi:dˌʌp] 

speedup 基本解释


speedup 网络解释

1. 加速比:流水线的性能 的主要指标是吞吐 率(throughput)、效 率(efficiency)、流水深 度(deep)以 及加速比(speedup). 超流水线(Super Pipeline)技术是RISC采用的一种并行处理技术. 他通过细化流水,增加级数和提高主频,

2. 加速:假设浮点数加法有六步(就像IEEE算术硬件里一样)如图2所示.Amdahl定律指出了使用并行处理器相对于使用串行处理器能够加速多少.加速(Speedup)被定义为程序以串行

3. 增速:1.什麼是电脑系统增速(speedup)的AMDAHL定律? 并试举一例说明其用处. Ans:记忆体可分为下列 1.次要记忆体或非IC记忆体(Secondary Memory or IC Memory)如同碟片或卡带,每一位元成本较低的优势,但花费较长的处理时间,

4. (使)加快速度:situp不睡,熬皮;坐直 | speedup(使)加快速度 | thinkover仔细考虑

speedup 单语例句

1. He called for the speedup of the establishment of a credit system to better impose management and supervision over related transactions.

2. speedup的近义词

2. Consequently, the supply of production factors is relatively adequate for an economic speedup.

3. The speedup of China's military modernization has its own logic, which is completely reasonable.

4. The bullet trains that have been running at 200 kph since the sixth railway speedup on April 18 rely on French and Japanese technology.

speedup 英英释义


1. speedup的意思

1. the act of accelerating
    increasing the speed

    Synonym: acceleration quickening