
acid [ˈæsɪd]  [ˈæsɪd] 


acid 基本解释


形容词酸的; 酸性的; 酸味的; 尖刻的

名词<化>酸; 酸味物质

acid 相关例句



1. Lemons have an acid taste.

2. John has an acid tongue.


1. Some acids burn holes in wood and cloth.

acid 网络解释

1. 強酸:'' 好处'' :当你使用带有强酸(acid)或寒冷(cold)关键词的能力时,你在伤害骰上获得+1专长加值.

2. 溶解液:如果毒液溅到人的眼睛,会让人永久失明. 毒蛇中最大的眼镜王蛇,体长能达到5.5米,其毒液哪怕只有小小几毫升便能毒死二十到三十个人. 阿柏怪同样可以运用溶解液(Acid)甚至剧毒(Toxic),在战斗中射出凶狠的毒液侵蚀敌人.

3. English-Chinese of composition of Chinese herbal medicine contrasts vocabulary:关键字:提取物 ,内酯 ,acid ,甲基 ,羟基. English-Chinese of composition of Chinese herbal medicine contrasts vocabulary | Proanthocyanidins 原花青素 | Propolis 蜂胶

acid 词典解释

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

    An acid is a chemical substance, usually a liquid, which contains hydrogen and can react with other substances to form salts. Some acids burn or dissolve other substances that they come into contact with.

    e.g. ...citric acid...
    e.g. Acids in the stomach destroy the virus.

2. (物质)含酸的,酸性的
    An acid substance contains acid.

    e.g. These shrubs must have an acid, lime-free soil.

...the acidity of rainwater.

3. (水果或饮料)酸味的,酸的
    An acid fruit or drink has a sour or sharp taste.

    e.g. These wines may taste rather hard and somewhat acid.

...a finely balanced wine with ripe acidity and soft fruit flavours.

4. acid

4. 尖刻的;刻薄的
    An acid remark, or acid humour, is very unkind or critical.

    e.g. This comedy of contemporary manners is told with compassion and acid humour.

'You don't know how to be a mother and you never did,' she said acidly.

5. 麦角酰二乙胺
    The drug LSD is sometimes referred to as acid .

6. see also: amino acid;hydrochloric acid;nitric acid;nucleic acid;sulphuric acid

acid 单语例句

1. Carbolic acid and its vapor are corrosive to the eyes, skin and respiratory system.

2. acid在线翻译

2. Carbolic acid and its vapors are corrosive to the eyes, skin and respiratory system.

3. The leak of nitric acid was discovered by crew on the California Senator cargo ship while it was still out at sea.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. A college student has been detained for pouring a mixture of sulfuric acid and caustic soda over a rare species of bears in Beijing Zoo.

5. Prosecutors charged that Chiu brought the argument to an end by throwing a bottle of acid at his neighbor.

6. Workers returned on October 23, but the company currently only produces citric acid.

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. The Company boasts a complete technology platform for the development of small nucleic acid drugs, including library synthesis of small nucleic acids.

8. acid的意思

8. Experts decided to clean up the concentrated sulfuric acid and fuel before salvaging the wreckage.

9. Railway disruptions in Jiangxi were hampering transportation of sulfuric acid from Jiangxi Copper, officials in the smelter said.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

10. At issue is the presence of a large quantity of sulfuric acid among the tons of chemicals seized by Jordanian authorities.

acid 英英释义



1. street name for lysergic acid diethylamide

    Synonym: back breaker battery-acid dose dot Elvis loony toons Lucy in the sky with diamonds pane superman window pane Zen

2. any of various water-soluble compounds having a sour taste and capable of turning litmus red and reacting with a base to form a salt


1. acid是什么意思

1. having the characteristics of an acid

    e.g. an acid reaction

2. harsh or corrosive in tone

    e.g. an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose
           a barrage of acid comments
           her acrid remarks make her many enemies
           bitter words
           blistering criticism
           caustic jokes about political assassination, talk-show hosts and medical ethics
           a sulfurous denunciation
           a vitriolic critique

    Synonym: acerb acerbic acrid bitter blistering caustic sulfurous sulphurous virulent vitriolic

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. being sour to the taste

    Synonym: acidic acidulent acidulous