






appeasing 基本解释
安抚,抚慰( appease的现在分词 );绥靖;
appeasing 单语例句

1. Ganor acknowledged that effectiveness was not the military's only consideration, and that demolitions are a way of settling scores and appeasing public opinion.

2. Both sentences will go some way to appeasing critics of the court, who say its judges are mostly conservative macho men.

3. They also complain that the laws were enacted by a fledgling democratic government bent on appeasing army leaders angry over the trials.

4. appeasing在线翻译

4. Analysts attributed the rise partly to gradually stabilized market sentiment, which was helped by a series of subtle but appeasing moves by regulators.

5. Appeasing " these terrorist regimes does no good to the United States, " she said.

6. appeasing的近义词

6. Thaksin dissolved parliament and called the snap poll in hopes of appeasing his critics, but the protests have continued.

7. appeasing的解释

7. Of the many potential reforms, interest rate reform may have the greatest chance of appeasing both camps.

8. They should know that instead of appeasing the people, such irresponsible statements could make them more suspicious and angry.

9. Appeasing words were required and Wen Jiabao delivered them after checking the prices of daily necessities at the supermarket in Xilinhot city.