A:What’s wrong with you? You look pale.
B:I’m not sure, I feel hot and cold.
A:When did the trouble start?
B:I was sick most of the night.
A:It sounds like you are coming down with the flu. Let me take your temperature.
B:Have I got a high fever?
A:Yes, thirty-eight point seven. Do you have a headache, chest or throat pain?
是的。38.7 度。你头痛吗? 胸和嗓子痛吗?
B:Yes, I have.
A:Now, let me have a look at you. I’d like to listen to your chest. Now breathe in, a deep breath, that’s it. Cough, now again. I want to examine your throut, too. Open wide, say “ah--”.
来,让我瞧瞧你。 想听听你的胸部,现在往里吸气,深深地吸一口气,对了。咳嗽一下,再咳一次。我还想再查查你的喉咙,把嘴张开,说“啊——”
B:Aaaaahh, aaaaahh.
A:Yes, it does look a bit sore. Let’s take an X-ray of your chest and give you a few tests.
B:All right, thanks.
A:The tests showed nothing wrong. A slight viral infection.
B:What shall I do today?
A:I’m giving you some antibiotics and aspirins. Take an aspirin when you’ve got a fever, and take one antibiotics capsule every four hours, and go home and rest in bed for two days. Drink plenty of water, then you’ll feel better. Here’s the prescription.
B:Thank you, doctor. Good-bye.
1. 阿斯匹灵:临床上,有位外国医师(Fontaine)依症状严重度分为四期:(一) 阿斯匹灵(Aspirin)、保栓通膜衣锭(plavix)及其他抗血小板药物周边血管阻塞疾病的治疗有许多方式,但绝大部分无法改变血管已经病变的事实,所以这类疾病再预防其发生的重要性是不言而谕的,
2. 阿司匹灵:溶血的发生与药物种类、剂量及患者本身G6PD酵素缺乏之严重度有关,若必须使用如抗疟疾药物或磺胺类抗生素等氧化性药物时,需小心监测临床反应. 常见的止痛药acetaminophen(普拿疼)及阿司匹灵(aspirin)用於G6PD第二型及第三型者仍属安全,但仍须小心监测是否有溶血症状发生.
3. 阿士匹靈:利用他汀类药物(Statin)可降低坏胆固醇;使用菸碱酸(Niacin)则可提升体内好胆固醇,再配合抗血小板药物如阿士匹灵(Aspirin),便能令血液流通更畅顺. 不过,如阻塞情况已影响器官功能,则要为病人进行「通波仔」手术,恢复正常血流.
1. 阿司匹林
Aspirin is a mild drug which reduces pain and fever.
1. aspirin
1. " Innovation is the aspirin of the economy, " he said.
2. Arriving by train at a small town in the provinces, enigmatic loner Milan goes in search of aspirin to ease a raging headache.
3. Healthy people shouldn't take aspirin to prevent heart disease, researchers say in a new report that casts doubt on recommendations from US health officials.
4. Previous studies had suggested that a daily baby aspirin could prevent precancerous polyps that sometimes become colorectal cancer.
5. Not only did she sing the theme song, she also had heated debates with other cast and crew members to make Aspirin better.
6. She says aspirin has been clearly shown to improve the survival chances for anyone who has already had a heart attack or stroke.
7. The researchers found that the women who took aspirin were 17 percent less likely to have a stroke than the other group.
8. Doctors are not recommending healthy people take aspirin to prevent cancer, but some studies are optimistic about the effects.
9. Lui reminded parents that young kids must not take aspirin which may damage the central nervous system of children.
10. And there were more cases of stomach bleeding in the women who took aspirin than in those who did not.
1. the acetylated derivative of salicylic acid
used as an analgesic anti-inflammatory drug (trade names Bayer, Empirin, and St. Joseph) usually taken in tablet form
used as an antipyretic
slows clotting of the blood by poisoning platelets
Synonym: acetylsalicylic acid Bayer Empirin St. Joseph