
bargainer ['bɑ:gɪnə]  ['bɑrgɪnɚ] 


bargainer 基本解释



bargainer 网络解释


1. 卖主:bargainee 买主 | bargainer 卖主 | bargaining power 议价实力

2. 连词:连词 : bargainer | 1. noun (买卖)合同,(成交)协议 | Patience and dedication are an essential quality in order to conclude a bargain. : 耐心和让步是达成协议的基本素质.

3. 买卖约定者:bargain 议价 | bargainer 买卖约定者 | bargaining 交涉

4. 议价者,讨价还价者:118.gainer 获得者,得利者,胜利者 | bargainer 议价者,讨价还价者 | drainer 排水工

bargainer 单语例句

1. Whether you're a veteran bargainer or just starting out, here are a few tips that can help you get the best deal.

bargainer 英英释义


1. negotiator of the terms of a transaction

    e.g. he is a hard bargainer

2. bargainer

2. someone who purchases and maintains an inventory of goods to be sold

    Synonym: trader dealer monger