
beads [bi:dz]  [bi:dz] 



beads 基本解释
水珠;小珠子( bead的名词复数 );珠子项链;
beads 网络解释

1. 珠:当长片断一头粘附在大片断一头吸附在小片断上,离心产生的剪切力就会导致长片断的断裂. 而QiaEX的纯化填料是人工特制的大小均一的球形小珠(Beads),能更好的吸附DNA,也不易产生上述的剪切力问题,使得回收的大片断DNA更为完整.

2. 念珠:三百五十年前由荷兰人从印第安人手里买来,用的是念珠(beads)、布等,加在一起不到二十四块美金. 现在这岛和房子加在一起,却值三百亿美金了. 从最南的Battery公园可看到的自由神像The Statue of Liberty,是八十八年前法国送的,

beads 单语例句

1. She threw a net of chandelier drop glass beads over a white mini shift to emphasize a contemporary and nostalgic feel.

2. beads在线翻译

2. The short film has attracted criticism for its religious overtones, which include the'Poker Face'singer swallowing rosary beads whilst dressed as a nun.

3. Only a small amount of water and detergent is needed to create the water vapor that allows the beads to work and loosen stains.

4. Gullied wrinkles carve his swarthy face, carrying sweat beads that are about to fall.

5. Clad in a lime blue vest adorned with plastic beads and matching Aladdin pants, he executes hip drops to the ancient Arabian music.

6. Beads of sweat forming on a man's head on a hot day.

7. beads

7. The Los Angeles Galaxy soccer star - who is married to former Spice Girls singer Victoria - wears the libido boosting beads around his wrist.

8. She sits quietly in the corner as she sketches ideas for a new garment or unobtrusively beads pearls together.

9. This undated handout photo provided by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows a reconstruction the gold and turquoise beads as a necklace.

10. The two other bodies were richly ornamented with beads and a necklace made of imitation human jaws.

beads 英英释义


1. several beads threaded together on a string

    Synonym: string of beads