call for

call for [kɔ:l fɔ:]  [kɔl fɔr] 

call for 基本解释

要求; 需要; 去接(某人); 去取(某物)

call for 相关例句



1. We will call for her early tomorrow morning.

2. This is a problem that calls for immediate solution.

call for 情景对话


A:Who do I call for (trash/ garbage/ refuse) collection?

B:Just leave the stuff on the curb.


A:Where can I catch a taxi?

B:You can call the dispatcher and ask for one. Would you like me to call a taxi for you?

B:Yes, please.


A:Room Service. What can I do for you?

B:May I ask for a morning call tomorrow morning?

A:Certainly. What time would you like?

B:6:30 sharp, please.

A:Let me confirm your name and room number.

B:This is Gao Qian in Room 419.

A:Mr. Gao in Room 419.OK. We'll ring you up at 6:30 a.m. tomorrow.


call for 网络解释

1. 要求:Goodman便要求(call for)乐队演奏狂热、快速的改编乐曲,其中许多曲子是这位天才的黑人乐队指挥和乐曲改编者Fletcher Henderson演奏的. 年轻人们都不跳舞了,他们全欢呼着围到了演奏台周围. 很清楚,在帕罗马几个星期的演出结束前,

2. 需要:让步(to sb)[点拨]答案为B. 他决定减少(cut down)每天抽烟的数量. [解析]答案为D. 本题含义是:这工作不像你想象的那么容易,它需要(call for)时间和耐心. [点拨]这次山村之行使我回想起(call up)我童年的一幕幕. 答案:A

call for 词典解释
call for

1. 接(人)
    If you call for someone, you go to the building where they are, so that you can both go somewhere.

    e.g. I shall be calling for you at seven o'clock.

2. 要求;呼吁
    If you call for something, you demand that it should happen.

    e.g. They angrily called for Robinson's resignation...
    e.g. The ceasefire resolution calls for the release of all prisoners of war.

3. 需要;要求
    If something calls for a particular action or quality, it needs it or makes it necessary.

    e.g. It's a situation that calls for a blend of delicacy and force.

call for 单语例句

1. Critics call the practice " wombs for rent, " but surrogacy has emerged as a booming business in India.


2. If the line is busy, call your family or friends for help.

3. A resolution passed by the UN in 2004 did call for the disarmament of all militias in Lebanon.

4. The plan will call for Wenzhou to contain at least 30 rural financial institutions by the end of 2013.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. By that we mean the call for wholesale Westernization, which would lead not to socialism but to capitalism.

6. The European Council is also expected to call for accession negotiations with Croatia to be concluded by the end of June.

7. call for

7. His call for peace to the Abhisit administration may also show his support for the new government.

8. President Obama also repeated his call to do away with tax laws and deductions for the wealthy.

9. The Shanghai auto show should become a clarion call for the greening of all automakers.

10. call for的近义词

10. " Israel welcomes the Quartet call for direct negotiations between the parties without preconditions, " said the statement issued by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Office.

call for 英英释义


1. express the need or desire for
    ask for

    e.g. She requested an extra bed in her room
           She called for room service

    Synonym: request bespeak quest


2. request the participation or presence of

    e.g. The organizers invite submissions of papers for the conference

    Synonym: invite

3. gather or collect

    e.g. You can get the results on Monday
           She picked up the children at the day care center
           They pick up our trash twice a week

    Synonym: collect pick up gather up

4. require as useful, just, or proper

    e.g. It takes nerve to do what she did
           success usually requires hard work
           This job asks a lot of patience and skill
           This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice
           This dinner calls for a spectacular dessert
           This intervention does not postulate a patient's consent

    Synonym: necessitate ask postulate need require take involve demand