
candor ['kændə]  [ˈkændɚ] 

candor 基本解释

名词坦率; 公正; 爽直; 公平

candor 相关例句


1. He talked with unusual candor.

candor 网络解释

1. 坦白:信义义务的内容包括忠实(1oyal~)义务、注意(care)义务和坦白(candor)义务. 而公司外部的接受信息者从公司内部人处获得机密信息后,就承受了内部人对发行人股东的诚信义务. 也就是说,受密人从内部人那里继受了对公司股东的信义义务.

2. 美洲兀鹰:candle 蜡烛 | candor 美洲兀鹰 | candy 糖果

3. 公正:tremor#颤抖;战栗 | candor#公正 | oblivion#忘却;遗忘

candor 单语例句

1. Their meeting Thursday held the promise of less crystal, more candor.

2. candor的解释

2. Openness and candor are essential for building and enhancing public trust and for dispelling whatever misgivings there may be about what the government is doing.

3. I praised them for speaking up and told them their unusual directness and straightforward candor was a call for celebration.

4. Reticence has long been considered a virtue in China, whereas candor or outspokenness only invites trouble.

5. candor

5. Many lawmakers were angered by what they said was the administration's lack of candor with Congress ahead of the Libya mission.

6. candor是什么意思

6. Instead of losing his fan base, he actually won more hearts by his candor.

7. That kind of candor is not generally expected of someone in her shoes.

8. Bush praised Abe's " candor " on the issue in a telephone conversation early this month, according to the White House.

9. Without elaboration, the report faults the bureau for a lack of public candor.

10. candor的解释

10. It is embracing the world with greater candor and a broader mind.

candor 英英释义


1. candor

1. the quality of being honest and straightforward in attitude and speech

    Synonym: candour candidness frankness directness forthrightness

2. candor

2. ability to make judgments free from discrimination or dishonesty

    Synonym: fairness fair-mindedness candour