
cinnamon [ˈsɪnəmən]  [ˈsɪnəmən] 


cinnamon 基本解释

名词樟属植物; 桂皮香料; 肉桂色,黄棕色

形容词肉桂色的; 黄棕色的

cinnamon 网络解释


1. 肉桂色:~当密集(Dense)基因发生作用时,呈现出黑色、巧克力色(Chocolate)、肉桂色(Cinnamon). ~如果稀释(Dilute)基因发生作用时,就会呈现出蓝色(Blue)、丁香色(Lilac)、淡褐色(Fawn). 深褐色猫咪的耳朵、脸中央、四肢末端、尾巴的颜色比身体的其他部位深一点,

2. 桂皮粉:吃杏仁及其它的壳果仁,每天进少许的桂皮粉(cinnamon),冷水鱼如鲑(salmon)鲐(mackerel)金枪(tuna)等. 含红色素(lycopene)的水果,如西红柿,西瓜,葡萄,石榴,红肉的木瓜等. 每天喝茶,绿茶,红茶皆宜,还有冲饮巧克力粉(black Chocolate).

3. 肉桂粉:发表主题: 肉桂粉(Cinnamon)谁能帮我分担点??肉桂粉(Cinnamon)谁能帮我分担点??

cinnamon 词典解释

1. 桂皮;肉桂
    Cinnamon is a sweet spice used for flavouring food.

cinnamon 单语例句

1. cinnamon在线翻译

1. " They say he's got love problems, " Cinnamon Rolls cafeteria employee Ana Elena Ruiz said.

2. cinnamon在线翻译

2. Cinnamon is a spice that is considered nature's perfect insulator - helping you keep warm when you are cold and cool when you are overheated.

3. cinnamon是什么意思

3. Strain through a fine sieve and serve in a bejeweled goblet garnished with an additional cinnamon stick.

4. Childs said the cinnamon and fresh ginger help to peel away the top layer of dead skin cells and to improve circulation.

5. cinnamon

5. For example, cinnamon twig decoction is used to treat mild colds due to exogenous attack and malnutrition.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. Cinnamon gives a room a spicy, fresh wood scent which helps arouse the physical senses and creativity.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. It is made from light beer, thickened with potato flour and flavored with cinnamon and lemon peels.

8. It tastes of ripe brambles and blackberries and offers aromas of cinnamon and violets.

9. The nose is blackberry rich with notes of cinnamon and black plum flavours.

10. Human Nutrition Research Centre, men and women with the more common type 2 diabetes were given cinnamon powder daily.

cinnamon 英英释义


1. cinnamon

1. spice from the dried aromatic bark of the Ceylon cinnamon tree
    used as rolled strips or ground

2. tropical Asian tree with aromatic yellowish-brown bark
    source of the spice cinnamon

    Synonym: Ceylon cinnamon Ceylon cinnamon tree Cinnamomum zeylanicum

3. cinnamon是什么意思

3. aromatic bark used as a spice

    Synonym: cinnamon bark