




第三人称复数:commandoes; commandos

commandos 基本解释
突击队,突击队员( commando的名词复数 );
commandos 网络解释

1. 突击队:从埃及和巴勒斯坦招募来的骆驼骑兵(dromedarrii)专门从事多瑙河沿线的战事,精选军(exploratores,praeventores)侦察部队(superventores)以及突击队(commandos)也大部分部署在西部.

2. 盟军敢死队:连曾经的即时战术领袖,<<盟军敢死队>>(Commandos)系列也要跟风出一款FPS版<<打击力量>>,质量差得可以. 相对而言,在策略领域,特别是RTS领域,二战题材游戏却不断有所进取,2000年,强调战术而非建设的RTS<<突袭>>(Sudden Strike)给二战题材游戏市场带来一股清风.

3. 特种兵:二战特种兵(Commandos)相关文章:二战特种兵(Commandos)特别声明:本站除部分特别声明禁止转载的专稿外的其他文章可以自由转载,但请务必注明出处和原始作者.

4. (魔鬼戰將):<<韩战:被遗忘的战争>>(Korea: Forgotten Conflict)之游戏风格类似于<<魔鬼战将>>(Commandos)系列,游戏中玩家率领特种部队从事各项特殊作战任务.

commandos 单语例句

1. But hundreds were clustered around the locations where the commandos were engaged in action, held back by police.

2. British commandos freed the Western reporter last week but the Afghan and a commando died in the operation.

3. The visit was called off because the area was too dangerous because of clashes between police commandos and extremists.

4. He was freed in a raid by Israeli commandos in the West Bank, and officials said afterward the captors apparently operated independently of Palestinian militant groups.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. Malaysian naval commandos stormed the ship and rescued 23 Filipino crew members less than two hours after the pirates boarded it.

6. Haq said by Monday morning the attackers were confined to an office building, trading fire with commandos.

7. The group of 14 were moved to Mali last month after Algerian commandos rescued 17 of the hostages in May.

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8. Naval commandos flying in a helicopter foiled an attempt to hijack an Indian merchant ship on November 11.

9. Police said the bombers mingled with former police commandos who were demonstrating outside a government office because their unit had been disbanded.

10. The woman told her tale after commandos stormed the school in this southern Russian town, bringing the nation's worst hostage crisis to a head Friday.