
commotion [kəˈməʊʃn]  [kəˈmoʊʃn] 


commotion 基本解释

名词混乱,喧闹; 暴动,骚动

commotion 相关例句



1. You're making a great commotion about nothing.

commotion 网络解释

1. 暴动,骚乱:7 indices 是index的复数 注意读音是 / / (听力) | 8 commotion 暴动,骚乱 | 9 interest rate 利率

2. 骚动:commorant 居住 | commotion 骚动 | commove 激烈摇动

commotion 词典解释


1. 喧闹;混乱;骚动
    A commotion is a lot of noise, confusion, and excitement.

    e.g. He heard a commotion outside...
    e.g. Sounds of voices and commotion could be heard downstairs now.

commotion 单语例句

1. I could hear the commotion from my apartment window and prayed the clown would show up soon.

2. One effect of the commotion today could directly affect the Italian economy.

3. commotion

3. Not to mention that all the present brief commotion of the Western media that it is guaranteed not to last more then a few days.

4. commotion

4. While the many couples thought they were hidden by a veil of darkness, anyone turning around would be able to see the source of the commotion.

5. One said the hospital was a scene of chaos and commotion, with injured arriving drenched in blood and people crying and moaning.

6. commotion

6. And it would have to adjust for varying light conditions and the raucous commotion of people at different distances from its sensor.

7. They not only had to contain the commotion and restore calm, but also defend themselves and prevent even more disastrous consequences.

8. Officials say a passenger aboard the plane was trying to ignite an explosive device Friday, causing a commotion and minor injuries.

9. In the midst of all the commotion, a leader will show his true mettle and insight.

10. More disappointing is the famous duet Barcarolle, which appears at the beginning of Act Four in the midst of stage commotion.

commotion 英英释义


1. the act of making a noisy disturbance

    Synonym: din ruction ruckus rumpus tumult

2. confused movement

    e.g. he was caught up in a whirl of work
           a commotion of people fought for the exits

    Synonym: whirl

3. commotion

3. a disorderly outburst or tumult

    e.g. they were amazed by the furious disturbance they had caused

    Synonym: disturbance disruption flutter hurly burly to-do hoo-ha hoo-hah kerfuffle