
composition [ˌkɒmpəˈzɪʃn]  [ˌkɑ:mpəˈzɪʃn] 



composition 基本解释

名词作文,作曲; 创作; 构图,布置; 妥协,和解

composition 相关例句



1. He has a touch of madness in his composition.

2. Scientists study the composition of the soil.

3. The composition of the report took two months.

4. There are many spelling mistakes in your compositions.

5. We examined the rock to find out its composition.

composition 网络解释

1. 作文:Section A:作文(Composition)本节是作文,题目主要属于记叙文、说明文或议论文的范围. Section B:写便条(Note-writing)教育面对面英语本节是写便条. (三) 测试目的 按照教学大纲的要求测试学生在基础阶段末期用英语书面表达思想的能力.

2. 成分:☆ 品名(Name) 快速干发美容巾、小方巾☆ 等级(Grade) 一等品☆ 颜色(Color) 蓝色、红色、黄色、紫色、粉色、咖啡色☆ 成分(Composition) 超细纤维 (涤纶75% 棉纶25%)☆ 包装(Packing) 筒装 快递统一pvc塑料袋包装(如需单独包装请说明)

composition 词典解释

1. 组成;构成;组合方式
    When you talk about the composition of something, you are referring to the way in which its various parts are put together and arranged.

    e.g. Television has transformed the size and social composition of the audience at great sporting occasions...
    e.g. Forests vary greatly in composition from one part of the country to another.

2. (作曲家、画家等的)作品
    The compositions of a composer, painter, or other artist are the works of art that they have produced.

    e.g. Mozart's compositions are undoubtedly amongst the world's greatest.

3. (学生的)作文
    A composition is a piece of written work that children write at school.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 艺术创作技巧
    Composition is the technique or skill involved in creating a work of art.

    e.g. He taught the piano, organ and composition...
    e.g. The course is designed to help students with colour and composition.

5. (音乐、诗歌等的)创作,作曲
    Composition is the act of composing something such as a piece of music or a poem.

    e.g. These plays are arranged in their order of composition.

composition 单语例句

1. Converts to camel milk say it is more healthy and has a composition much like human milk.

2. The decision called for actively promoting the development of diversified forms of public ownership, and speeding up adjustments of the layout and composition of the public economic forces.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. Through a composition of two fairy tales, " Celestial Human World " probes the theme of human nature.

4. He started his musical training in his native England with the cello and took composition lessons under the guidance of his father.

5. composition的反义词

5. The two countries'growth has dramatically shift the balance of economic power, and change the composition of the global economy.

6. He is totally in favor of incorporating Western methods that change the molecular composition of foods by using chemical or physical methods.

7. composition的解释

7. With special test strips, they monitor the oil's chemical composition.

8. That has resulted in technology research and development centers, vehicle testing floors and physical and chemical composition test floors equipped with advanced international laboratories.

9. The spacecraft has three scientific instruments to study surface features and determine chemical composition.

10. They are the hardest known substance yet have the simplest chemical composition, consisting of crystallized carbon.

composition 英英释义


1. the act of creating written works

    e.g. writing was a form of therapy for him
           it was a matter of disputed authorship

    Synonym: writing authorship penning

2. musical creation

    Synonym: composing

3. something that is created by arranging several things to form a unified whole

    e.g. he envied the composition of their faculty

4. composition

4. the way in which someone or something is composed

    Synonym: constitution physical composition makeup make-up

5. the spatial property resulting from the arrangement of parts in relation to each other and to the whole

    e.g. harmonious composition is essential in a serious work of art

    Synonym: composing

6. composition

6. an essay (especially one written as an assignment)

    e.g. he got an A on his composition

    Synonym: paper report theme

7. composition是什么意思

7. art and technique of printing with movable type

    Synonym: typography

8. a musical work that has been created

    e.g. the composition is written in four movements

    Synonym: musical composition opus piece piece of music

9. a mixture of ingredients