
credits [k'redɪts]  [k'redɪts] 







credits 基本解释
学分;节目前后字幕;信任,信用,声望,荣誉, [财务]贷方,银行存款;信任( credit的名词复数 );存款;信誉;相信,信任,把…归给;
credits 网络解释

1. 作者名单:也不会胡乱改出一堆花里胡哨的地名,人名,物品名及兵种名等.如果你想玩一些个换汤不换药的MOD,这个MOD里没有你想要的东西.另外, 想借鉴其中的一部分重要的特征请事先PM联系我征得我的同意, 而制作者名单(Credits)里提到的特征归原作者所有,

2. 学分:以Parsons来说,AAS学位一学期(term)学费可以让你最多修19个学分(credits),修的学分超过这个数目的话,才需要缴交学分费$1202*超修的学分数. 另外,是否可以修ESL的方式来弥补托福成绩的不足当然是只有学校才能决定,这就是所谓的条件式入学,

3. 金钱:资源图示从左至右,为:金钱(Credits),奈米机件(Nanobots),金属材料(Materials),晶体(Crystals),矿物(Minerals),能量(Energy)和等离子(Plasma). 战争迷雾(Fog of Wars)效果在游戏设计中意味着玩家无法比自己的军队看得更远,换言之,

4. 荣誉:此函式列出PHP开发者荣誉(credits)列表,它产生适当的HTML码,在网页中插入资讯. 参数flag指出将列出何种资讯,例如 : 要列出一般的荣誉,你可以放在你的程式码的某个地方 :

credits 单语例句

1. The script was written by Ed Decter and John Strauss, whose credits include Disney's last two " Santa Clause " movies.

2. Companies who keep their emissions below their targets can sell their carbon credits to those exceeding their limits and profit from the trade.

3. Companies who manage to keep their emissions in line can sell their carbon credits to those exceeding their limits and profit from the trade.

4. Carbon trading enables enterprises to buy or sell credits - with those below the emissions cap able to sell to those who need more.

5. Wang urged more people to buy carbon credits as they are " the most direct way to learn the real ecological value of forests ".

6. credits的翻译

6. Through donating money to the fund, companies and individuals could erase their carbon footprints and deposit carbon credits.

7. If the company not consumed all the carbon pollution, it can sell the rest carbon credits to other companies.

8. credits的反义词

8. Anshan Iron and Steel Group Corporation has agreed to sell greenhouse gas credits to two international carbon cutters.

9. Anshan Iron and Steel Group Corp has agreed to sell greenhouse gas credits to two international carbon cutters.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

10. The market value of these carbon credits is estimated at 150 million euros.

credits 英英释义


1. a list of acknowledgements of those who contributed to the creation of a film (usually run at the end of the film)