
credit [ˈkredɪt]  [ˈkrɛdɪt] 







credit 基本解释


名词学分; 信誉,信用; [金融]贷款; 荣誉

及物动词相信,信任; 归功于; [会]记入贷方; 赞颂

credit 相关词组

1. reflect credit on : 使...增光;

credit 相关例句


1. The bank credited 50,000 dollars to us.

2. He is credited with the invention.


1. Does this item go among the credits or the debits?

2. Our international credit is excellent.

3. I did not give credit to her story.

credit 情景对话



B:Will you be paying by cash,check,or credit card? /How will you be paying?)

A:By (cash/ check/ credit card).


A:I’d like to apply for a personal loan.

B:How much would you like to borrow?

A:A thousand dollars.
      1000 美元。

B:Let me check with our credit manager (later)

A:Our record shows that your credit rating is quite high. I don’t think you’ll have any problems.

B:What’s the current interest rate?

A:Our monthly interest is 1.5% of the outstanding balance. Would you please fill out this application form?


A:I want to pick up the car tomorrow morning at seven. Are you open then?

B:Yes, we are, Mr. Wang. How are you going to pay?

A:May I pay in cash?

B:We'd prefer a credit card, if you have one.

A:Yes, of course.

B:How long will you keep the car?

A:Just three days.

B:Are you going to return it here?

A:No. I want to leave it in Chicago.

B:That will be fine.

A:Here's my visa card.

B:Just a minute. Here's your receipt.

credit 网络解释

1. 贷方:2 报表构成 差额 (balance) 贷方 (credit) 借方 (debit) 一、经常项目 A. 货物与服务 1. 货物 2. 服务 A. 收益 1. 职工报酬 2. 投资收益 C、经常转移 二、资本和金融项目 A、资本帐户 B、金融帐户 1.

credit 词典解释

1. 赊购;赊欠
    If you are allowed credit, you are allowed to pay for goods or services several weeks or months after you have received them.

    e.g. The group can't get credit to buy farming machinery...
    e.g. You can ask a dealer for a discount whether you pay cash or buy on credit.

2. 结余;存款
    If someone or their bank account is in credit, their bank account has money in it.

    e.g. The idea that I could be charged when I'm in credit makes me very angry...
    e.g. I made sure the account stayed in credit...

3. (给账户)存(钱);把…记入贷方
    When a sum of money is credited to an account, the bank adds that sum of money to the total in the account.

    e.g. She noticed that only $80,000 had been credited to her account...
    e.g. Midland decided to change the way it credited payments to accounts...

4. credit的反义词

4. 存款金额;贷记
    A credit is a sum of money which is added to an account.

    e.g. The statement of total debits and credits is known as a balance.

5. (给某人的)一笔钱
    A credit is an amount of money that is given to someone.

    e.g. Senator Bill Bradley outlined his own tax cut, giving families $350 in tax credits per child...
    e.g. Japan has provided about $2.5 billion in credits to Russia and about $50 million in direct aid.

6. credit的翻译

6. 赞扬;称赞;认可
    If you get the credit for something good, people praise you because you are responsible for it, or are thought to be responsible for it.

    e.g. We don't mind who gets the credit so long as we don't get the blame...
    e.g. It would be wrong for us to take all the credit...

7. 认为是…的功劳;把…归于
    If people credit someone with an achievement or if it is credited to them, people say or believe that they were responsible for it.

    e.g. The staff are crediting him with having saved Hythe's life...
    e.g. The 74-year-old mayor is credited with helping make Los Angeles the financial capital of the West Coast...

8. credit

8. 认为…有(某种品质)
    If you credit someone with a quality, you believe or say that they have it.

    e.g. I wonder why you can't credit him with the same generosity of spirit...
    e.g. They are crediting science with power it doesn't possess.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. 为…赢得好感的人(或事物)
    If you say that someone is a credit to someone or something, you mean that their qualities or achievements will make people have a good opinion of the person or thing mentioned.

    e.g. He is one of the greatest British players of recent times and is a credit to his profession.

10. 相信;信任
    If you cannot credit something, you cannot believe that it is true.

    e.g. Roosevelt either did not learn of the scandal or refused to credit what he heard...
    e.g. It seems hard to credit that such things went on among senior Directors.

11. 演职员表;摄制人员名单
      The list of people who helped to make a film, a CD, or a television programme is called the credits .

      e.g. The star Marlon Brando wants his name removed from the credits.
      e.g. ...a moviegoer who remains in his seat until the credits are over.

12. (某些大学获得学位所必需的)学分,学习单元
      A credit is a successfully completed part of a higher education course. At some universities and colleges you need a certain number of credits to be awarded a degree.

13. 使值得赞扬(或仰慕)
      If you say that something does someone credit, you mean that they should be praised or admired because of it.

      e.g. You're a nice girl, Lettie, and your kind heart does you credit.

14. (某人的成绩或优点)值得表扬,应予肯定
      If you say 'credit where credit's due', you are admitting that you ought to praise someone for something that they have done or for a good quality that they possess.

      e.g. His gift was an extremely kind gesture. Credit where credit's due.

15. 相信…具有(某种优良品质);称赞;认可
      To give someone credit for a good quality means to believe that they have it.

      e.g. Bratbakk had more ability than the media gave him credit for.

16. (常用于提出缺点之后)就优点而言
      You say on the credit side in order to introduce one or more good things about a situation or person, usually when you have already mentioned the bad things about them.

      e.g. On the credit side, he's always been wonderful with his mother.

17. 值得赞扬
      If something is to someone's credit, they deserve praise for it.

      e.g. She had managed to pull herself together and, to her credit, continued to look upon life as a positive experience...
      e.g. Although the offences were horrific it was to her credit that she had owned up.

18. (成就)归于…;在…名下
      If you already have one or more achievements to your credit, you have achieved them.

      e.g. I have twenty novels and countless magazine stories to my credit.

credit 单语例句

1. The credit cards are for public service employees to use for their expenses, including business travels and conferences.

2. The credit cards are to be used by public service employees for expenses, including business travel and conferences.

3. credit

3. China Real Estate Credit Fund has commissioned the China Real Estate Index Research Institute to undertake nationwide research on business credibility in real estate enterprises.

4. " The biggest hurdle is the lack of a sound credit information system, " Xu tells China Business Weekly.

5. But the bank claimed it did not collude with Li in her " individual conduct of illegal credit business " according to the radio report.

6. A huge gap exists between credit supply and credit demands for the small business sector.

7. With their wide experience and sophisticated transaction systems, foreign banks have an edge over their Chinese counterparts in the credit card business.

8. US President Barack Obama signed the Credit Card Reform Act into law in May 2009, following its passage in the Senate and Congress.

9. Granting the full faith and credit of the US would require an act of Congress to change the companies'legal status.

10. The credit cards were used to apply for loans, withdraw cash or buy Macao casino chips that can be cashed.

credit 英英释义


1. used in the phrase `to your credit' in order to indicate an achievement deserving praise

    e.g. she already had several performances to her credit

2. recognition by a college or university that a course of studies has been successfully completed
    typically measured in semester hours

    Synonym: course credit

3. an estimate, based on previous dealings, of a person's or an organization's ability to fulfill their financial commitments

    Synonym: credit rating

4. an entry on a list of persons who contributed to a film or written work

    e.g. the credits were given at the end of the film

5. approval

    e.g. give her recognition for trying
           he was given credit for his work
           give her credit for trying

    Synonym: recognition

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6. a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage

    e.g. the student's essay failed to list several important citations
           the acknowledgments are usually printed at the front of a book
           the article includes mention of similar clinical cases

    Synonym: citation cite acknowledgment reference mention quotation

7. arrangement for deferred payment for goods and services

    Synonym: deferred payment

8. money available for a client to borrow

9. an accounting entry acknowledging income or capital items

    Synonym: credit entry


1. credit的近义词

1. have trust in
    trust in the truth or veracity of

2. credit

2. give someone credit for something

    e.g. We credited her for saving our jobs

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. ascribe an achievement to

    e.g. She was not properly credited in the program

    Synonym: accredit

4. accounting: enter as credit

    e.g. We credit your account with $100