
damning [ˈdæmɪŋ]  [ˈdæmɪŋ] 






damning 基本解释



形容词咒骂的; 毁灭的; 身败名裂的

动词诅咒( damn的现在分词)

damning 网络解释


1. 诅咒:damnify 损伤 | damning 诅咒 | damningly 定罪地

2. 毁灭的:Damning,毁灭的 | Dander,生气,怒气 | Danger,危险

3. 咒骂的:damned 被咒骂的 | damning 受永罚的 | damning 咒骂的

4. 受永罚的:damned 被咒骂的 | damning 受永罚的 | damning 咒骂的

damning 词典解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. (证据或报告)确凿的,导致定罪的
    If you describe evidence or a report as damning, you mean that it suggests very strongly that someone is guilty of a crime or has made a serious mistake.

    e.g. ...a damning report into his handling of the affair...
    e.g. He was most damning in his comments about the army.

damning 单语例句

1. damning

1. Officials fear that other damning material could be circulating privately, and that could go public at any time.

2. damning的反义词

2. The track saves it most damning criticism for the royal family which it accuses of carrying out thefts and killings.

3. However her report card this time around was even more damning than the first.

4. The defense has also alluded to having damning information against the maid but has not released it.

5. damning是什么意思

5. A UN report which was not even discussed is described as " a damning UN report into Zimbabwe's slum clearances ".

6. The sentencing comes as a damning new report said the youngster's death should have been prevented.

7. House prosecutor David Ellis displayed the most damning quotes individually on poster boards.

damning 英英释义



1. threatening with damnation

    Synonym: damnatory