deferred payment

deferred payment [diˈfə:d ˈpeimənt]  [dɪˈfɚd ˈpemənt] 

deferred payment 基本解释


deferred payment 网络解释

1. 延期付款:2、在即期付款(SIGHT PAYMENT)、延期付款(DEFERRED PAYMENT)、议付(NEGOTIATION)及承兑(ACCEPTANCE)信用证项下,被指定银行的权益有何区别?(2)在议付(NEGOTIATION)及承兑(ACCEPTANCE)信用证下,被指定银行可以在信用证到期日前对受益人进行融资,

2. 延期支付:不能将现金、存款、凭证、股票、债券等简单地称为金融资产,而应称之为金融工具. 金融工具对其持有者来说才是金融资产. 货币的功能主要在於价值标准(standard of value)、交换媒介(medium of exchange)、延期支付(deferred payment)与价值储藏(store of value).

3. 迟期付款:2.迟期付款(Deferred Payment)是指买方先用汇付方式支付一定比例的货款或订金,其余货款可迟期偿付;有的还可规定,按生产(或工程)进度和交货进度分期支付部分货款,其余大部分货款在交货(或完工)后若干年内分期付

4. 延迟支付:-用适当联邦利率(AFR)支付延迟支付(deferred payment),代替较高的市场利率. 适当联邦利率是交易过程收取的最低利率,不需国税局确认价格. 它包括支付给出售者在一般税率基础上的税率,而不是在资本利得税上的税率.

deferred payment 单语例句

1. The purchase price will consist of payment of an initial cash consideration and a deferred consideration.

2. Analysts said the pay cut in 2008 would have been much deeper if not for deferred payment of 2007 bonuses.

3. The High Court deferred ruling on the payment of the high legal cost of the case.

4. It is common practice in the construction sector for payment to be deferred until a certain phase of a project is completed.

deferred payment 英英释义


1. arrangement for deferred payment for goods and services

    Synonym: credit