
deviltry ['devltrɪ]  ['devəltrɪ] 

deviltry 基本解释
deviltry 网络解释


1. 恶作剧:devil effect 恶魔影响 | deviltry 恶作剧 | devise 设计

2. 恶行:devilry 恶行 | deviltry 恶行 | devilwood 木犀

3. 恶行/残暴/魔法/恶作剧:devilry /恶行/残暴/魔术/恶作剧/ | deviltry /恶行/残暴/魔法/恶作剧/ | devilwood /木犀/

4. 恶性,残暴:creak 嘎吱作响 | deviltry 恶性,残暴 | privy 厕所,个人的

deviltry 双语例句


1. Possessing never yet seen magical faculties, he becomes the only hope to win and to expulse the deviltry which surged to this erring world from every side: vampires, zombie, defunct and daemons...

2. We judged they was studying up some kind of worse deviltry than ever.

3. How can such deviltry exist?

4. Some deviltry is intended against one Douglas, whoever he may be, residing as stated, a rich country gentleman.

5. Finding and using the incantation from the magicbook Grimoire, Faust has to stop the deviltry and return it back to Hell.

6. The creations of a small coterie of malicious hackers who invent toxic software for the sheer deviltry of it.

deviltry 英英释义


1. reckless or malicious behavior that causes discomfort or annoyance in others

    Synonym: mischief mischief-making mischievousness devilry devilment rascality roguery roguishness shenanigan

2. deviltry的解释

2. wicked and cruel behavior

    Synonym: devilry