1. 大蚯蚓:大起大落/wide fluctuation | 大蚯蚓/dew worm | 大人,大师/Very Reverend
2. 蚯蚓:3. bladder worm 囊虫 | 4. dew worm 蚯蚓 | 5. guinea worm disease 麦地那龙线虫病
1. Selected based on clinical experience instructors centipede, gecko, dew worm attack drug side honeycomb form, Solanum nigrum, white British, white composition of vegetation detoxification square off fleas.
1. terrestrial worm that burrows into and helps aerate soil
often surfaces when the ground is cool or wet
used as bait by anglers
Synonym: earthworm angleworm fishworm fishing worm wiggler nightwalker nightcrawler crawler red worm