1. 蚯蚓:早6时前往wisconsin河坝钓鱼,同行的有F,W及其父母,D,P,Q及我们夫妇,共九人. 有四根鱼竿. 一小盒蚯蚓(fishworm)作鱼饵. 共钓上二十多条bluegill(浅蓝色大太阳鱼),每条长约六七寸,和一条长约一尺的浅白色的鱼.
2. 鱼铒蚓:fish-wire电缆牵引线 | fishworm鱼铒蚓 | fishyodour鱼腥味
1. He from already of the fishworm become a blue.
2. They are digging fishworm to make fish foods.
3. They are digging fishworm for bait.
4. Some creatures have amazing ability of self-repairing:a cutted fishworm can outgrow another half of it's body, and newt can rebuild it's injured limbs......By comparison, human's ablility of organ regeneration seems not that good.
5. Magician what to see science domestic expenses be a red of fishworm, the in the mind be secretly funny and he think:The cow see red get very angry, the fish see red still not get mad?
1. fishworm
1. terrestrial worm that burrows into and helps aerate soil
often surfaces when the ground is cool or wet
used as bait by anglers
Synonym: earthworm angleworm fishing worm wiggler nightwalker nightcrawler crawler dew worm red worm