


discs 基本解释
唱片;磁盘;圆盘( disc的名词复数 );背脊骨间的软骨层;
discs 网络解释


1. 碟式:汽门阀座VALVESEAT | 碟式DISCS | 鼓式DRUMS

2. 我使用的软件:我讨厌most of it | 我使用的软件Discs | 我使用的硬件Computer

discs 单语例句

1. discs

1. On the accompanying audio discs, you can hear the shake of ice inside a drinking glass.

2. discs是什么意思

2. The Malaysian government announced on Monday the establishment of a canine unit comprised of two Labrador sniffer dogs to detect pirated optical discs.

3. discs

3. Use it upside down to be really creative and make an " m " CD ra of course that one holds a few less discs.

4. Health officials in Shanghai began checking supermarkets yesterday for baby bottles that may have been made from recycled compact discs and contain a dangerous chemical.

5. The Houston Chronicle reported Thursday that Vera was originally arrested on charges of selling illegal copies of compact discs.

6. The findings come after the government admitted computer discs containing details of 25 million people were lost in the post by the tax authority.

7. Polycarbonate is an essential plastic used for producing components for automotive parts, compact discs and a variety of consumer products as well as other industrial components.

8. Smugglers are now able to conceal more than 4 million discs on one ship, compared to no more than 1 million on one ship a decade ago.

9. What regulators should really crack down on are those profiting by downloading these dramas and manufacturing them in sellable discs.

10. discs的意思

10. Photos of bulldozers crushing huge piles of confiscated pirated discs are a frequent sight in the Chinese media.