1. 厌恶:disincentive 妨碍活动的 | disinclination 厌恶 | disincline 不愿
2. 不愿意:disenfranchise 剥夺....的公民权 | disinclination 不愿意 | denationalization 非国有化
3. 不感兴趣 不喜欢:approbation 认可 批准 | disinclination 不感兴趣 不喜欢 | squelch 压制
4. 不起劲/不感兴趣/厌恶:disincentives /不利于经济发展的因素/ | disinclination /不起劲/不感兴趣/厌恶/ | disincline /使讨厌/不感兴趣/
1. 911查询·英语单词
1. 不愿意;不喜欢;厌恶
A disinclination to do something is a feeling that you do not want to do it.
e.g. They are showing a marked disinclination to pursue these opportunities.
1. a certain degree of unwillingness
e.g. a reluctance to commit himself
his hesitancy revealed his basic indisposition
after some hesitation he agreed
Synonym: reluctance hesitancy hesitation indisposition
2. that toward which you are inclined to feel dislike
e.g. his disinclination for modesty is well known