
drab [dræb]  [dræb] 



drab 基本解释

形容词单调的; 土褐色的

名词乏味,单调; 无生气


drab 网络解释

1. 黄褐:紫褐 puce | 黄褐 drab; fulvouos;cinnamon;ocher;tawny;russet brown | 栗褐 chestnut brown

2. 土褐色:dove 鸽子;乳白色 | drab 土褐色 | dry rose 浅紫色

3. 土褐色的:Dr. 博士 | drab 土褐色的 | drabbet 亚麻布

4. 原色厚斜纹布:Dozine 多果定 | drab 原色厚斜纹布 | draba nemorosa linnei 葶苈子

drab 词典解释

1. 单调乏味的;缺乏生气的
    If you describe something as drab, you think that it is dull and boring to look at or experience.

    e.g. Mary was wearing the same drab grey dress.
    e.g. ...his drab little office...

...the dusty drabness of nearby villages.

2. see also: dribs and drabs

drab 单语例句

1. drab的解释

1. Every item on the shelves seemed classy, in stark contrast to the then drab looking goods in Chinese stores.

2. drab在线翻译

2. The bright weather on Thursday was in stark contrast with the two previous days, which were drab and smoggy.

3. drab的意思

3. In the drab surroundings, a pink Mickey Mouse bag stood out.

4. Its plainly painted exterior and lack of neon lights or lurid pictures make it look drab compared with newer establishments on the rapidly growing strip.

5. drab

5. But Wang Zhihong's paintings make one realize that there was more to old Luzhou's seemingly drab and ordinary buildings than meets the eye.

6. Their design - or lack of design - reminded people of the days of drab uniformity that had just passed.

7. drab

7. He finds little to inspire him in Japan, which for him offers only drab shades of gray.

8. The Olympic construction fever is just the most prominent part of a sweeping transformation of the once drab city.

9. There were also military influences, but not of the drab camo or olive green variety.

10. A blaze of colorful creativity is surely better than drab gray concrete.

drab 英英释义



1. a dull greyish to yellowish or light olive brown

    Synonym: olive drab


1. causing dejection

    e.g. a blue day
           the dark days of the war
           a week of rainy depressing weather
           a disconsolate winter landscape
           the first dismal dispiriting days of November
           a dark gloomy day
           grim rainy weather

    Synonym: blue dark dingy disconsolate dismal gloomy grim sorry drear dreary

2. drab

2. of a light brownish green color

    Synonym: olive-drab

3. lacking brightness or color

    e.g. drab faded curtains
           sober Puritan grey
           children in somber brown clothes

    Synonym: sober somber sombre

4. lacking in liveliness or charm or surprise

    e.g. her drab personality
           life was drab compared with the more exciting life style overseas
           a series of dreary dinner parties

    Synonym: dreary