
dream [dri:m]  [drim] 






过去分词:dreamed; dreamt

过去式:dreamed; dreamt

dream 基本解释

不及物动词梦想; 做梦; 梦见; 想到


及物动词梦想; 做梦; 想到

名词梦想; 梦; 愿望

形容词梦的; 理想的; 不切实际的

dream 同义词

动词vision imagine muse


dream 反义词


dream 相关词组


1. dream out : 凭想象虚构; 凭空想象出;

dream 相关例句


1. I dream of being the best footballer in the town.

2. She dreamed that she could fly.


1. Mary once dreamed of God.

2. He dreamed of becoming a movie star when he was young.


1. His dream of being a doctor has come true.

2. He realized the dream of his life time.

dream 网络解释


1. dream:designed restriction enzyme assisted mutagenesis; 设计限制酶辅助突变

2. dream:data retrieval entry and management; 数据检索登录管理

dream 词典解释
American English uses the form dreamed as the past tense and past participle. British English uses either dreamed or dreamt. 美国英语中 dream 的过去式和过去分词形式均为 dreamed,英国英语中则是dreamed 和 dreamt均可。

    A dream is an imaginary series of events that you experience in your mind while you are asleep.

    e.g. He had a dream about Claire...
    e.g. I had a dream that I was in an old study, surrounded by leather books.

2. 做梦;梦见;梦到
    When you dream, you experience imaginary events in your mind while you are asleep.

    e.g. Ivor dreamed that he was on a bus...
    e.g. She dreamed about her baby.

3. dream

3. 梦想;幻想;愿望
    You can refer to a situation or event as a dream if you often think about it because you would like it to happen.

    e.g. He had finally accomplished his dream of becoming a pilot...
    e.g. My dream is to have a house in the country...

4. 梦想;渴望
    If you often think about something that you would very much like to happen or have, you can say that you dream of it.

    e.g. As a schoolgirl, she had dreamed of becoming an actress...
    e.g. For most of us, a brand new designer kitchen is something we can only dream about...

5. 理想的;梦幻般的;完美的
    You can use dream to describe something that you think is ideal or perfect, especially if it is something that you thought you would never be able to have or experience.

    e.g. He had his dream house built on the banks of the river Bure.
    e.g. ...a dream holiday to Jamaica.

6. 理想;夙愿;梦寐以求的事物
    If you describe something as a particular person's dream, you think that it would be ideal for that person and that he or she would like it very much.

    e.g. Greece is said to be a botanist's dream...
    e.g. He's every girl's dream!

7. dream的反义词

7. 美妙的事;美好的事
    If you say that something is a dream, you mean that it is wonderful.

8. 空想;胡思乱想
    You can refer to a situation or event that does not seem real as a dream, especially if it is very strange or unpleasant.

    e.g. When the right woman comes along, this bad dream will be over.

9. 绝不;无论如何也不
    If you say that you would not dream of doing something, you are emphasizing that you would never do it because you think it is wrong or is not possible or suitable for you.

    e.g. I wouldn't dream of making fun of you...
    e.g. My sons would never dream of expecting their clothes to be ironed.

10. 想到;料到
      If you say that you never dreamed that something would happen, you are emphasizing that you did not think that it would happen because it seemed very unlikely.

      e.g. I never dreamed that I would be able to afford a home here...
      e.g. Who could ever dream of a disaster like this?...

11. see also: pipe dream;wet dream

12. 痴心妄想
      If you tell someone to dream on, you mean that something they are hoping for is unlikely to happen.

      e.g. 'Perhaps one day I may go on a relaxing holiday.' — 'Yeah, dream on.'

13. 心不在焉;梦游般地
      If you say that you are in a dream, you mean that you do not concentrate properly on what you are doing because you are thinking about other things.

      e.g. All day long I moved in a dream.

14. dream

14. 梦幻般地;美妙地;完美地
      If you say that someone does something like a dream, you think that they do it very well. If you say that something happens like a dream, you mean that it happens successfully without any problems.

      e.g. She cooked like a dream...
      e.g. His ship had sailed like a dream.

15. 理想中的;完美的
      If you describe someone or something as the person or thing of your dreams, you mean that you consider them to be ideal or perfect.

      e.g. This could be the man of my dreams.

16. dream

16. (强调极为奇怪或完全不可能)再怎么想也
      If you say that you could not imagine a particular thing in your wildest dreams, you are emphasizing that you think it is extremely strange or unlikely.

      e.g. Never in my wildest dreams did I think we could win.

17. 超出想象的;比希望中要好的
      If you describe something as being beyond your wildest dreams, you are emphasizing that it is better than you could have imagined or hoped for.

      e.g. She had already achieved success beyond her wildest dreams.

相关词组:dream up

dream 单语例句

1. Hu Xiangyun has a dream that he insists is a firm business plan.

2. The state station's own version of the idol search program called " Dream China " never managed to match the popularity of " Super Girls ".

3. Sporting success is an impossible dream for most people in Cambodia, where poverty and the scars of civil war are part of daily life.

4. They also sang the songs of Descendants of the Dragon and Dream of Camel Ring to express their love and sentimental attachment to China.

5. The world cannot but wonder how the Committee can have a dream for as long as over 20 years.

6. dream的反义词

6. His wife had a car accident in July last year and Steiner promised he would never give up on his Olympic dream before she died.

7. Chinese actress Zhao Wei plans to fulfill a dream she has been harboring for the past five years - directing a feature film.

8. She represents a lot of good things people say, 'I would like to be her'and dream about it.

9. dream的翻译

9. The dance drama will share cultures symbolized onstage by a Native American dream catcher and a Chinese Knot.

10. Too much of the former and you're living in a dream world, too much of the latter and what's on the catwalk becomes routine.

dream 英英释义



1. a fantastic but vain hope (from fantasies induced by the opium pipe)

    e.g. I have this pipe dream about being emperor of the universe

    Synonym: pipe dream

2. a state of mind characterized by abstraction and release from reality

    e.g. he went about his work as if in a dream

3. danci.911cha.com

3. a series of mental images and emotions occurring during sleep

    e.g. I had a dream about you last night

    Synonym: dreaming

4. dream的反义词

4. imaginative thoughts indulged in while awake

    e.g. he lives in a dream that has nothing to do with reality

    Synonym: dreaming

5. danci.911cha.com

5. a cherished desire

    e.g. his ambition is to own his own business

    Synonym: ambition aspiration

6. someone or something wonderful

    e.g. this dessert is a dream


1. dream

1. have a daydream
    indulge in a fantasy

    Synonym: daydream woolgather stargaze

2. experience while sleeping

    e.g. She claims to never dream
           He dreamt a strange scene