
dump [dʌmp]  [dʌmp] 





dump 基本解释

及物动词倾倒; 倾销; 丢下,卸下; 摆脱,扔弃

不及物动词突然跌倒或落下; 卸货; 转嫁(责任等)

名词垃圾场; 仓库; 无秩序地累积

dump 相关例句



1. He went to dump the garbage.

2. We dumped our bags on the floor.

3. They dump their surplus production on foreign countries.


1. You'll be fined if you dump here.


1. This furniture is about ready for the dump.

dump 情景对话


Community Services-(社区服务)

A:Hi, John, this is Mary, your tenant up in Lincoln Park.

B:Oh, hi, Mary, what can I do for you?

A:I was wondering when trash collection day was.

B:It’s on Tuesdays and Fridays.


B:You could save a couple of dollars by taking it to the dump yourself, though.

A:Oh, o.k. Where’s that?

B:It’s at the corner of that street.

A:Thanks. Who do I call for trash collection?

B:Just leave the stuff by the curb. The company’ll send a guy out next month to give you the bill.

A:All right. Thanks a lot.

B:No problem.

dump 网络解释

1. 转储:mfs 以记忆体为基准(memory-based) 的UNIX档案系统nfs 相容於升阳(SUN)的网路档案系统Dump -- 转储(Dump)的顺序 0或空值--> 表示不需要Dump

2. 倾倒:拖延(Drag-S),刹车(Brake)/回声(Echo),倾倒(Dump)/反转(Reverse)可选择在主声道或a声道或两者同时使用.

3. 倾印:伺服器、内容 (content) 伺服器,和前端 (front-end) 伺服器之要求,此 OE式伺服器和逻辑 (logic) 伺服器,此 OE 包括 HP-UX 11i v2 基础 OE 随附软大型、功能强大的后端 (back-end) 应用程式伺服器,和存取客户档案、处- 置换 (swap) 空间大小- 倾印 (dump) 装置- 镜射 (

4. 堆:在C语言里面,局部变量,全局变量都是存贮在栈(stack)里面的,而所有用malloc和new这种操作符动态分配的空间则都是存贮在堆(dump)里面的,

dump 词典解释

1. dump在线翻译

1. 倾倒;倾卸
    If you dump something somewhere, you put it or unload it there quickly and carelessly.

    e.g. We dumped our bags at the nearby Grand Hotel and hurried towards the market...
    e.g. He got my haversack from the cab and dumped it at my feet.

2. 丢弃;抛弃;扔掉
    If something is dumped somewhere, it is put or left there because it is no longer wanted or needed.

    e.g. The getaway car was dumped near a motorway tunnel...
    e.g. A million tonnes of untreated sewage is dumped into the sea...

German law forbids the dumping of hazardous waste on German soil.

3. dump的反义词

3. 垃圾场;垃圾堆
    A dump is a place where rubbish is left, for example on open ground outside a town.

    e.g. ...companies that bring their rubbish straight to the dump...
    e.g. The walled garden was used as a dump.

4. 肮脏的地方;乱七八糟的地方
    If you say that a place is a dump, you think it is ugly and unpleasant to live in or visit.

    e.g. 'What a dump!' Christabel said, standing in the doorway of the youth hostel.

5. (军队中粮食、武器等的)临时堆积处,临时仓库
    A dump is a place where an army stores food and weapons temporarily while it is stationed in a particular place.

6. 不再支持,摒弃(政策、想法等)
    To dump something such as an idea, policy, or practice means to stop supporting or using it.

    e.g. Ministers believed it was vital to dump the poll tax before the election.

7. (通常指为占领海外市场)倾销,抛售
    If a firm or company dumps goods, it sells large quantities of them at prices far below their real value, usually in another country, in order to gain a bigger market share or to keep prices high in the home market.

    e.g. It produces more than it needs, then dumps its surplus onto the world market.

8. danci.911chaxun.com

8. 与…断绝关系;与…结束关系
    If you dump someone, you end your relationship with them.

    e.g. I thought he was going to dump me for another girl...
    e.g. She was dumped by her long-term lover after five years...
           5 年后她被相恋多年的恋人抛弃了。

9. (将孩子)扔给…照看
    If you say that a parent dumps a child with someone, you are criticizing the parent for leaving the child to be looked after by that person.

    e.g. I was sometimes dumped with my grandmother or left with highly unsuitable au pairs...
    e.g. He can't cope and dumps his two teenage boys on them to be looked after.

10. dump在线翻译

10. 转储,转存(计算机数据)
      To dump computer data or memory means to copy it from one storage system onto another, such as from disk to magnetic tape.

      e.g. It can take a couple of hours to dump a thousand telephone numbers into a 128k EPROM pack...
             将 1,000 个电话号码转存到一个128k的EPROM芯片要花好几个小时。
      e.g. All the data is then dumped into the main computer.

11. 转存信息库;转储数据库
      A dump is a list of the data that is stored in a computer's memory at a particular time. Dumps are often used by computer programmers to find out what is causing a problem with a program.

      e.g. ...a screen dump.

12. 非难;亏待
      If someone dumps on you, they treat you very badly and unfairly.

      e.g. He was a nice guy, Mona. He didn't dump on me.

13. 郁闷的;沮丧的;闷闷不乐的
      If you are down in the dumps, you are feeling very depressed and miserable.

      e.g. She's feeling a bit down in the dumps and needs cheering up.

dump 单语例句

1. dump什么意思

1. He said some developers were flying over to the Far East to try to effectively dump properties they could not sell to UK buyers.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. Chemical weapon experts from the military confirmed it was a chemical weapons dump used by wartime Japanese troops.

3. The Kremlin has voiced hope that Obama's administration will dump the missile defense plans.

4. He told me he really didn't think Jennifer would dump him - it was a complete shock to him.

5. Just because girls reject or dump them, men console themselves by calling those girls the mistresses of businessmen.

6. In the recent milk contamination scandal, cow farmers had to dump the milk as dairy companies had dramatically reduced production.

7. The waste ore dump was built in contravention of rules and it had not been checked for safety for a long time.

8. The waste dump was built in contravention of rules, and had not been checked for safety for a long time.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

9. Some farmers cull livestock or dump milk because they cannot sell it at higher prices.

10. He said he believed she was dead and asked a friend to dump her body in the sea.

dump 英英释义


1. dump的翻译

1. a place where supplies can be stored

    e.g. an ammunition dump

2. (computer science) a copy of the contents of a computer storage device
    sometimes used in debugging programs

3. a piece of land where waste materials are dumped

    Synonym: garbage dump trash dump rubbish dump wasteyard waste-yard dumpsite

4. a coarse term for defecation

    e.g. he took a shit

    Synonym: shit


1. knock down with force

    e.g. He decked his opponent

    Synonym: deck coldcock knock down floor

2. fall abruptly

    e.g. It plunged to the bottom of the well

    Synonym: plunge

3. dump的翻译

3. drop (stuff) in a heap or mass

    e.g. The truck dumped the garbage in the street

4. sever all ties with, usually unceremoniously or irresponsibly

    e.g. The company dumped him after many years of service
           She dumped her boyfriend when she fell in love with a rich man

    Synonym: ditch

5. dump什么意思

5. throw away as refuse

    e.g. No dumping in these woods!

6. dump的反义词

6. sell at artificially low prices

    Synonym: underprice