
enclave [ˈenkleɪv]  [ˈɛnˌklev, ˈɑn-] 



enclave 基本解释

名词飞地(指在本国境内的隶属另一国的一块领土); 被包围的领土

enclave 网络解释


1. 被包围的领土:帮事发生在一个幻想世界之中,一场空前惨烈的远古战争引发了大陆上的一个巨大裂缝,把世界分割成正义和邪恶两方. Celenheim镇被与世隔绝了起来,成了一块众所周知的被包围的领土(Enclave)但裂缝越来越逼近,而暗黑力量正日渐威胁Cele......

2. 别克-昂科雷:核心提示:这里不是风景宜人的海滨港口,而是光影绮丽的现代都市,没有阳光海风,面前是流光溢彩和车水马龙,听不见海鸥鸣唱,耳边是都市喧嚣,不会在海上的劈波斩浪,但同样会在风影车潮中游走,不需要私人游艇,别克昂科雷(Enclave)在此足矣这里不是风景宜人的海滨港口,

enclave 词典解释

1. (国家或城市中隶属另一民族或文化的)飞地,孤立地区
    An enclave is an area within a country or a city where people live who have a different nationality or culture from the people living in the surrounding country or city.

    e.g. Nagorno-Karabakh is an Armenian enclave inside Azerbaijan.

enclave 单语例句

1. The latest rocket fire from Gaza caused no casualty or damage, and no militant group in the Palestinian enclave has claimed responsibility for the attack.

2. enclave的意思

2. Many see the handover and the subsequent lifting of the SJM's gaming monopoly as the catalyst for the enclave's current boom.

3. Streets were deserted around the Catholic Short Strand enclave road on Wednesday with many windows boarded up in expectation of a third night of rioting.

4. Many avatars were left out of the virtual celebration in Obama's unofficial Second Life headquarters because the digital enclave had reached maximum capacity on Tuesday.

5. With Macao being a transit point between China and the West, many Chinese ceramics were historically exported overseas from the enclave.

6. Ban arrived in Gaza on Tuesday afternoon to check the destruction in the Gaza Strip following 22 days of Israeli military offensive on the enclave.

7. danci.911chaxun.com

7. What used to be a maritime headquarters is now a delightful hotel and fine dining enclave full of colonial color.

8. Advocates for the review say current measures were insufficient to halt the controversial development of a privately owned enclave in a country park.

9. enclave的翻译

9. Liu Yujie explores a cozy enclave with an eclectic mix of shopping.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. The EU FMs were scheduled to visit the enclave on July 20.

enclave 英英释义


1. an enclosed territory that is culturally distinct from the foreign territory that surrounds it