
enclaves ['enkleɪvz]  ['enkleɪvz] 


enclaves 基本解释
飞地( enclave的名词复数 );昂克雷;
enclaves 网络解释

1. 被包围的领土:Mantle幕 | Enclaves被包围的领土 | Wrinkle诀窍,妙计

enclaves 单语例句

1. Pieces of the country were carved up and ruled by foreigners who generally viewed locals with disdain and segregated themselves into exclusive enclaves.

2. Palestinians fear Jewish settlement enclaves would render a future state untenable by breaking it up into pieces.

3. enclaves的意思

3. Most Kosovo Serbs live in heavily guarded enclaves with little freedom of movement.

4. enclaves是什么意思

4. " Urban villages " as migrant enclaves serve as a more human environment than the outsider might perceive.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. Obama has called for a full settlement freeze but Netanyahu wants building to continue in existing West Bank enclaves.

6. enclaves的近义词

6. Authorities fear that an influx of supporters into settler enclaves could make evacuations more difficult and increase the chance of violence.

7. Only Nicaragua has followed Moscow's lead and recognized the enclaves as independent.

8. Though the site was not listed as one of the 12 priority sites, the issue cast a harsh light on the vulnerability of unprotected park enclaves.

9. American troops have set up small outposts in some of the capital's most dangerous enclaves.

10. danci.911chaxun.com

10. Sectarian tensions remain high in Dora, a mostly Sunni district with some Shiite enclaves.