






enlisting 基本解释
入伍, 参军( enlist的现在分词 );获得;
enlisting 网络解释

1. (從軍曲):1 The Two Loves of Johnnie Gray (強尼葛瑞的兩個愛) | 2 Enlisting(從軍曲) | 3 Abandoned (被拋棄)

enlisting 单语例句

1. As the economy continues to improve, many more young people are eagerly enlisting for a life of servitude to the banks.

2. enlisting

2. The Islamic militias have made steady gains in recent days, seizing the alliance base of Balad on Sunday and enlisting former alliance commanders.

3. The Australian singer returned to the recording studio for her tenth album after enlisting Scottish DJ Calvin Harris to work with her.

4. Several parents are also enlisting the help of their children's friends to find suitable matches.

5. enlisting

5. Enlisting someone like her " reflects democracy inside the Party ", she said.

6. BEIJING - Enlisting college students helps improve the quality of the Chinese military, said the defense minister in a recent interview with major Chinese media outlets in Beijing.

7. The latest move shows that Washington is officially enlisting Tokyo's help in its designs for Taiwan.

8. He said in a Netease interview the designer was enlisting his advice on fashion in China.

9. enlisting的近义词

9. The quality of the game has been improved through enlisting several internationals, including some from the American Major League.

10. enlisting在线翻译

10. Gillis says he is still amazed at his good fortune in enlisting such a prestigious coach.

enlisting 英英释义


1. danci.911cha.com

1. the act of getting recruits
    enlisting people for the army (or for a job or a cause etc.)

    Synonym: recruitment