
enter [ˈentə(r)]  [ˈɛntɚ] 







enter 基本解释


及物/不及物动词进入; 参加; 开始; 登记

enter 同义词

动词go into join

enter 反义词


及物动词go exeunt exit

enter 相关词组


1. enter into : 进入, 参加, 讨论, 研讨, 体谅;

2. enter for : 报名参加;

enter 相关例句


1. They entered their child at a private school.

2. The idea never entered my head once.

3. We will not enter the discussion of the plan for the moment.

4. He showed me how to enter data into the computer.


1. He decided not to enter for the race.

enter 情景对话


A:What do you do there?

B:I (file paperwork/ enter data into the computer/ take orders from customers).


A:Hello, Air China Flight Reservations. May I help you?

B:Yes. Have you got any seats left on the 10th at 7:30 a.m. to HongKong?

A:Yes, we have. For how many?

B:Please keep two for us to pick up.

A:Would you prefer a window, aside or enter seat?

B:Window, please.


enter 词典解释

1. 进入;进来
    When you enter a place such as a room or building, you go into it or come into it.

    e.g. He entered the room briskly and stood near the door...
    e.g. Before entering the bathroom, he emptied his dirty laundry into the hamper...

2. 加入;成为…的一员;进入…(工作)
    If you enter an organization or institution, you start to work there or become a member of it.

    e.g. He entered the BBC as a general trainee...
    e.g. She entered a convent.

3. enter

3. 突然出现(在头脑中);掠过(脑海)
    If something new enters your mind, you suddenly think about it.

    e.g. Whenever thoughts of his baby daughter enter his mind a smile appears on Jeremy's face...
    e.g. Dreadful doubts began to enter my mind.

4. 使想起;使想到
    If it does not enter your head to do, think or say something, you do not think of doing that thing although you should have done.

    e.g. It never enters his mind that anyone is better than him...
    e.g. Though she enjoyed flirting with Matt, it had not entered her head to have an affair with him.

5. 开始进入…(状况);迈入…(时期)
    If someone or something enters a particular situation or period of time, they start to be in it or part of it.

    e.g. China enters a new five-year plan period next year...
    e.g. The war has entered its second month...

6. 参加,报名参加(比赛或考试)
    If you enter a competition, race, or examination, you officially state that you will compete or take part in it.

    e.g. I run so well I'm planning to enter some races...
    e.g. He entered for many competitions, winning several gold medals...

7. 使参加;为…报名参加
    If you enter someone for a race or competition, you officially state that they will compete or take part in it.

    e.g. His wife Marie secretly entered him for the Championship.
    e.g. ...some of the 150 projects entered for the awards.

8. 写下;记下;登记
    If you enter something in a notebook, register, or financial account, you write it down.

    e.g. Each week she meticulously entered in her notebooks all sums received...
    e.g. Prue entered the passage in her notebook, then read it aloud again.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. (向计算机或数据库中)输入,写入
    To enter information into a computer or database means to record it there, for example by typing it on a keyboard.

    e.g. When a baby is born, they enter that baby's name into the computer...
    e.g. Postcodes will be entered into the statisticians' computers...

相关词组:enter into

enter 单语例句

1. enter的翻译

1. Due to the language barriers and ignorance of Russian customs, most Chinese business people in Russia fail to enter the upper echelons of Russian society.

2. Zhang has a passion for singing and said she would like to enter show business if she had the opportunity after her operation.

3. It is therefore fully possible for our business relations to enter a new stage of growth.

4. Companies enter China's stock exchanges with help from IPO sponsors, but then are on their own.

5. Another demonstrator who tried to enter the embassy by force was stopped by police.

6. They are ready to enter the Chinese market by hook or by crook, inflating the real estate and stock market bubbles.

7. You listen to music made by yourself when you enter the bar.

8. enter

8. BEIJING - Three Chinese astronauts floated into the cabin of an orbiting module Monday afternoon, becoming the first group of Chinese to enter an orbiter in space.

9. The Iranian frigate and supply ship had been due to enter the canal with the northbound convoy that moves daily at 6 am on Monday.

10. A conscript retired from active service may enter a secondary vocational school without examination.

enter 英英释义



1. danci.911cha.com

1. set out on (an enterprise or subject of study)

    e.g. she embarked upon a new career

    Synonym: embark

2. make a record of
    set down in permanent form

    Synonym: record put down

3. become a participant
    be involved in

    e.g. enter a race
           enter an agreement
           enter a drug treatment program
           enter negotiations

    Synonym: participate

4. put or introduce into something

    e.g. insert a picture into the text

    Synonym: insert infix introduce

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. come on stage

6. to come or go into

    e.g. the boat entered an area of shallow marshes

    Synonym: come in get into get in go into go in move into

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. take on duties or office

    e.g. accede to the throne

    Synonym: accede

8. enter是什么意思

8. register formally as a participant or member

    e.g. The party recruited many new members

    Synonym: enroll inscribe enrol recruit

9. be or play a part of or in

    e.g. Elections figure prominently in every government program
           How do the elections figure in the current pattern of internal politics?

    Synonym: figure