
estranged [ɪˈstreɪndʒd] [iˈstreindʒd] 





estranged 基本解释


形容词疏远的; 隔绝的,疏离的; 久未联系的; (夫妻)分居的

动词使疏远; 使隔离; 使离间(estrange的过去式和过去分词)

estranged 网络解释


1. 疏离:他进而主张,种种疏离(estranged)或异化(alienated)并不仅是心智上的反映而已,亦是在社会本身的运作与转型上具有主动角色的诸多人类实践活动(human practice)的形式.

2. 失和:不容反悔法-----estoppel | 失和-----estranged | 没收-----estreated

3. 不友好的,敌视的:2. prone to: 倾向于,有......的倾向. | 3. estranged: 不友好的,敌视的. | 4. press charges: 起诉.

4. 使疏远:squatting: 蹲下来 | estranged: 使疏远 | rascal: 流氓

estranged 词典解释

1. (与配偶)分居的
    An estranged wife or husband is no longer living with their husband or wife.

    e.g. ...his estranged wife.


2. (因与亲朋发生争吵而)疏远的,不和的,不来往的
    If you are estranged from your family or friends, you have quarrelled with them and are not communicating with them.

    e.g. He was laid to rest yesterday without a final goodbye from his estranged son...
    e.g. Joanna, 30, spent most of her twenties virtually estranged from her father.

3. (与社团、职业等)疏离的,疏远的,脱离的
    If you describe someone as estranged from something such as society or their profession, you mean that they no longer seem involved in it.

    e.g. Arran became increasingly estranged from the mainstream of Hollywood.

estranged 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Yvette Cade was set on fire by her estranged husband at her place of work.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. Candy has always maintained she didn't attend Stella's party as she did not want the reunion with her estranged daughter to be filmed.

3. Arnold Schwarzenegger is paying a " significant " amount of child support to his estranged wife.

4. estranged什么意思

4. But the clincher was meeting her estranged father for the first time since childhood and being told she hadn't turned out very cute.

5. Bush acknowledged that Washington and New Delhi were estranged during the Cold War, when India declared itself a nonaligned nation but tilted toward Moscow.

6. A prisoner in Chongqing continued to confess to previously unknown offenses just to stay away from his estranged family.

7. Dennis Hopper's estranged wife insists he is well enough to appear in court.

8. It claims the pop star had earlier threatened to overdose on paracetamol if her estranged husband Kevin Federline was granted custody of their two children.

9. And 25 percent of estranged couples ended relationships of more than two decades, often delaying divorce to avoid affecting their children.

10. estranged

10. Heather Mills has been dealt a serious blow in her divorce battle with estranged hubby Sir Paul McCartney after being dropped by her lawyers.

estranged 英英释义


1. caused to be unloved

    Synonym: alienated