





expressed 基本解释
表达( express的过去式和过去分词 );表示;榨;表达的意见;
expressed 网络解释


1. 表示:size表示(expressed)像素. space允许你去改变字体中,间隔(space)的预设值,这个总合会和标准的值相加,而且也可以是负数.

2. 明订:明示保证-----express warranty | 明订-----expressed | 明订-----expressed

3. 明示的:exploitation利用 | expressed明示的 | expression 表述

expressed 单语例句

1. He said business representatives have expressed concern that English standard in the city has been declining.

2. The Prime Minister expressed the hope that both countries would exchange parliamentary, business and cultural delegations to further strengthen the relations.

3. expressed什么意思

3. The Chinese government has expressed strong indignation over and condemnation of the terrorist act of brutally murdering unarmed Chinese company staffers.

4. expressed什么意思

4. The survey's findings buttress concerns expressed by numerous scholars among them Barbara Dafoe Whitehead of Rutgers University's National Marriage Project.

5. expressed的意思

5. Fans eagerly buying Lakers'gear at the downtown Team LA store on Monday expressed disgust over the disturbance.

6. Netizens generally expressed disappointment over the new civil aviation measures and complained about the extra fees when buying air tickets.

7. By contrast, about three in four expressed negative views about the federal government.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. And officials should feel more empowered by the trust and happiness expressed in the letter and want to help even more people.

9. expressed

9. He said he has read the letter from the students carefully and was moved by the warm and kind feelings expressed in the letter.

10. expressed什么意思

10. Kerkorian expressed support for Ford's turnaround efforts and management team led by Chief Executive Alan Mulally when he announced his plans for the tender offer.

expressed 英英释义


1. expressed在线翻译

1. precisely and clearly expressed or readily observable
    leaving nothing to implication

    e.g. explicit instructions
           she made her wishes explicit
           explicit sexual scenes

    Synonym: explicit

2. expressed的翻译

2. communicated in words

    e.g. frequently uttered sentiments

    Synonym: uttered verbalized verbalised